Aaron's name looks so cute over his bed.
So today my baby is 3 weeks and 2 days old. It has been a really tough past couple of weeks, but I can honestly say it is worth it. He seems to be growing right before our eyes and we can't even believe all the changes we see every day. I cried my eyes out when my mother and sister left. Definitely felt lonely and very insecure, but after a few days of crying for absolutely no reason and a wonderful husband who constantly tells me jokes to make me smile, we are well on our way to normalcy. The weekends are full of visitors! I definitely have to give a shout out to my friends, especially from small group who have called constantly to make sure I had everything I needed and arranged meals for 2 weeks. I cannot even believe how supported I have felt. I also have to say thanks to my entire HUGE family. I can honestly say that when I was little I didn't expect to have such a huge famiy, but the Lord knew my needs and was preparing for my future perfectly. So here are a few new pictures. Raich comes weekly for a few days and takes so many pictures of Aaron that he will probably think that he is famous...which he is! We don't have internet yet, but are working hard on it. Enjoy my little boy!