Alright, I really have no time, but I thought I would post baby Ace's first trip to Melber. We were there for about 5 days. Aaron did well, but his mamma was a pretty nervous mamma a lot of the time. I just have to say that seeing Aaron with Baba just sent chills down my spine. It was hard to see them through the tears. I thought she was going to rock him until the rocker broke. It was so sweet. Everyone was so helpful and I was happy to introduce him to the family. For those of you who don't know our baby was nicknamed "Ace" a few weeks ago. Dado's name was A.C. Adams, so someone started calling him "little A.C." and then somehow "Ace" was derived from it. We think it's cute! So here are some pics for viewing until I can get online again. Today Aaron weighed 9lbs 14oz. and was 22 1/2 inches long. HE'S GROWING!