Saturday, January 30, 2010
Happy Family!
Friday, January 29, 2010
We're mobile!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Short Visit to Nashville
Thursday, January 14, 2010
When I grow up...
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The best part of wakin' up....
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Demo begins
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Snow Angel
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Don't bother me mom
Monday, January 4, 2010
Well, we are home. We had a great Christmas. It was great that we were able to stay so long and spend time with our families, but I was definitely ready to get back home to normalcy. He did a little cold that has lasted pretty much the whole time we were there. It got worse yesterday morning and we decided to just leave in the morning instead of the afternoon and get home. It was a good decision because Aaron got to sleep the entire way home and seems to feel some better after a good nights rest. I LOVED that Aaron is starting to recognize different individuals in each of our families. He gets the sweetest smile on his face when he seems them. Come to think of it he will smile at just about anything. Seriously, my child is a people person. He seems to thrive off of being with people, which is weird because neither of his parents are really that way. I am more than Mark, but nothing like Aaron seems to be. I also found out that Aaron LOVES animals. Maybe this is normal for kids this age, but I LOVE it. Jenny and Jerry have a new cat (which was supposed to be mine but didn't work out that way - thank you husband). It was so sweet with Aaron. He seriously pulled a whisker out at one point and the cat just purred and squinted his eyes at Aaron. He also tormented Lucy and Jasper which also seemed to go fine. I will put other pictures up on facebook cuz there are so many, but here's Aaron and Ebony - minus one whisker.

Aaron's new favorite game is peek-a-boo. I almost can't handle the smile that comes after he pulls down the rag/blanket or whatever from his face. He anticipates so much that I can hardly get the words out before he pulls the rag down. Hilarious! I took a video last night during his bath.