Saturday, July 9, 2011

Follow up pictures

Here are some pictures that I wanted to put with the last post about our busy summer.

Reading with daddy (I love this picture)

Swimming by him'felf'

always wants to help

awesome form!

Friday, July 8, 2011

We've been busy!

So...we've been VERY busy the past few weeks. Mark has been out of town for work a lot over the past month and has plans to leave again over the next few weeks. Since I am not a good 'stay by myself person', I have been finding different places to go close to home to stay. In between trips, we have been working more and more on the house trying to get some smaller jobs completed. All the rooms are now painted (minus closets) and Mark has almost all the outlets/plugs changed out. The biggest projects left are lighting and base boards. Furniture and accessories are just going to come along the way as we find the quality pieces that we will keep forever AND that are decent deals. Next week, while Mark is out of town, we will just stay in T-town because I have to work and also prayer group on two different days which makes it difficult to go out of town. Over the weekend, we are going to Kentucky for the weekend and then I will drop Mark back off at the airport on the way home for ANOTHER business trip. I will probably go to Rachel's for the week after that to help her paint in her apartment (I have been promising all summer). Then it's home for a few days and then it's off to the Trail Ride. It will be a whirlwind I'm sure. Yesterday Aaron has his 2 year check up (a few weeks late). He did great with Dr. Bard and nurse Vicky. I told him that if he did what Dr. Bard and Ms. Vicky said without being ugly or whiny he would get a 'special treat' when we were done. He did GREAT and was sure to tell everyone there that he was going to get a special treat when we left. Hopefully they didn't think I was too horrible of a mom...especially since it worked like a charm. He was in perfect "Aaron form" and showed his mad skills of naming animals, singing his songs, showing his body parts, and many other things. That about sums things up for now. No pictures because our computer is not working. I ordered a new power cord which hopefully will fix the problem. For now, we are using a lap top from Mark's work that doesn't have the ability to accept our camera chip. So you'll have to use your imagination until we can get the computer back up and running. Have a great weekend!