Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Recent happenings

I thought since I have been a slacker on the blog lately I would just give an update about what is happening with the Adams! Things have been relatively busy around here. I think it's pretty safe to say that we have a big boy on our hands instead of a baby. It's not something that I admit happily because I would LOVE for him to stay little forever! Actually I think I want him to stay the age he is right now forever. He is so fun and hilarious to be with. Mark and I tell each other all the time things that he says and just crack up laughing. We will be moving him to a big boy bed soon. It makes me sad, but I know he's ready. This big boy is growing up faster than I am ready for...I think it will always be this way huh? He is pretty much totally potty trained...with some accidents here and there. I am constantly amazed at how much he can pick up and then repeat at just the right time. My favorite thing right now is that he is picking up things we are teaching him about God/Jesus. He pays close attention in worship and is starting to tell us what is happening. Sunday during the Lord's Supper we were talking about eating with Jesus like we normally do and he said, "mom, do you eat with Jesus too!?" He is also very interested in reading his kids bible we bought him when he was just a baby. Yesterday, impromptu he told me that 'that man, and that lady hid from God in the trees," and then followed up by telling me about Noah and the 'big ark boat' and all the animals. He comes home almost every Sunday/Wednesday singing a new song (that we don't know) about God that he learned in bible class. I love it! Aaron still wants to cuddle in the mornings and evenings...which I take full advantage of all the time. I know there will come a day when that will not be the case.
We are slowly adding furniture to the house as we find it. It's coming together nicely. Still need a guest bed though. Mattress on the floor is the current arrangement for guests. Our roof has been replaced this week...thank you hail for enough damage that insurance paid for it!
I will be leaving for Peru in a few weeks. I will be gone for 1 week. It will be the first time that I will be away from Aaron for more than a few days. I am SO excited to go, but getting more and more nervous as the time approaches. Mark is VERY capable of taking care of Aaron, but there's just something about leaving for that long and so far away that is getting to this mama. The trip is going to be awesome. I love to travel and absolutely LOVE the company I will be with. I will miss both my boys terribly!
That's a long enough post for now. More later. I'll include some random pictures of the little..I mean big boy for your enjoyment!

Aaron (2) and Cole (7mo)

Eli and Aaron with O'Pa

Aaron's big boy bed at Gigi and Papa's
(thanks Gigi!)

A boy and his Papa in their overalls!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Weekend visitors

It's been TOO long since we have spent time with Josh, Lori, Weston and Taylor Willeford! So...we made a plan with them to come visit this weekend. We really loved the visit. We all agreed that we MUST do this more often. Our kids are the age now where they can really play well together. We ate dinner friday night and then went on a short hike on Sat morning, followed by the kids playing on the swing set and in Aaron's little pool (it was horrible hot!). Talking and laughing were abundant. Couldn't have had a better time! Here are some pictures of our cuties!