All I have to say is that I am quickly getting spoiled to special dates with my husband. I know we are getting ready to have a BIG life change in our family, so I am thankful for the more frequent than usual dates together:) Thanks to Luke getting us tickets (Mark's brother), Mark and I went to Lexington, KY to the famous Rupp Arena to watch UK play Vandy. It was AWESOME! I just love road trips...and love them even MORE with Mark. I had lots of flash backs to the 'pre-kid' time. My awesome sister kept Aaron for us all day Saturday. She had an entire day of extremely fun stuff planned with much fun that he didn't want to leave. (She posted pics on facebook of their adventures together). UK won...of course...although it was a close game. The atmosphere was so fun and our seats were pretty decent. We had a game time 'hot dog' and screamed our heads off with all the other crazy UK fans! I even fit my belly into my jersey:)Yay for fun day trips!!
Monday, February 27, 2012
All I have to say is that I am quickly getting spoiled to special dates with my husband. I know we are getting ready to have a BIG life change in our family, so I am thankful for the more frequent than usual dates together:) Thanks to Luke getting us tickets (Mark's brother), Mark and I went to Lexington, KY to the famous Rupp Arena to watch UK play Vandy. It was AWESOME! I just love road trips...and love them even MORE with Mark. I had lots of flash backs to the 'pre-kid' time. My awesome sister kept Aaron for us all day Saturday. She had an entire day of extremely fun stuff planned with much fun that he didn't want to leave. (She posted pics on facebook of their adventures together). UK won...of course...although it was a close game. The atmosphere was so fun and our seats were pretty decent. We had a game time 'hot dog' and screamed our heads off with all the other crazy UK fans! I even fit my belly into my jersey:)Yay for fun day trips!!
Monday, February 20, 2012
Fun weekend in Melber

This past weekend we went to Melber for the weekend. Mark wasn't off on Monday (today) but was able to take Friday off, so we still got to take a long weekend. Matt, Lori, and the boys, and Raich were able to come in too:) We only missed having Glo's family:( We had a great weekend and Aaron LOVED (as usual) spending time with his cousins. Also, we were able to go to Cole's 1st birthday party, play in a bouncy barn place with Alex and Lauren (Aaron's new best friends - they are 12 and 13yrs), and just spend quality extended family time. One of my favorite things about Aaron right now in his development is that he is trying to figure out his sense of place and time. He asked no less than 50 times on Thursday when we pulled out of the driveway about where Melber, KY was,and where Tullahoma, TN is. Also, the famous 'are we there yet?" question came out of his mouth about every 2 seconds. He has finally got down where his different friends live (Manchester, Winchester), but his sense of time is not there yet.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Valentine's Day!!
Happy Valentine's Day!! Today was extra special because I was able to go to Aaron's first school party - V-Day party! I really enjoyed going to see him 'in action' at school. I got to see his classroom, help him hand out valentines, and have an ice cream sundae. Apparently Aaron was just as excited for me to come to his school as I was because when I got there ALL of the teachers said "Aaron has been talking about you coming since he got here this morning. It's so good to meet you." He sure loves his mama! Here are some pictures from my visit.

Saturday, February 11, 2012
So we LOVE when Ra Ra comes to visit. Not only do we get a date night (prearranged by Mark this time!!!), but she ALWAYS paints with Aaron when she comes. She gets all the paints out and takes the time to set everything up and help him paint. He LOVES it! I mean, my child asks to paint every day of his life and I have to feel like the most horrible mother because I rarely take the time to do it. I know, bad mother...I live with plenty of guilt, don't worry. But thankfully we have a Ra Ra who shares his love for the world of colors and paints. I strive to be like her in so many ways. So here was this weekend's painting fun captured on camera:) And also my 6 month preggo shot.

Friday, February 10, 2012
Time is flying!!!
Hello there blogging world. I know it's been a while. Things have been really busy and honestly I haven't taken many pictures that are blog worthy in my opinion. I thought I would give an update on things around here before they get too out of hand and I have this baby!
I am 6 months along now. Time has absolutely FLOWN by with this pregnancy. Maybe it's because we already have a kiddo and he keeps us on our toes, or maybe it's all the things are trying to get completed before he gets here...not sure which. Either way, there is only 3 months left and our 'list of things to do' is still never ending. I am feeling good. Bigger than I was with Aaron, which I expect. The doctor said yesterday that things look great and everything is measuring on target, BP is good, and baby is growing perfectly. I have noticed that since my belly has 'popped' now I am more and more uncomfortable with sleep and when I stay in one position too long things go numb quickly:) I forgot about this particular part...not that fun. Especially when I have a toddler who LOVES to snuggle and doesn't understand my constant rearrangement of positions. Enough complaining right???? I am getting very excited for this new little guy to make his entrance into our lives. I want to see what he looks like, if he will be anything like Aaron in looks or personality. What will life be like for us as a family of 4?
Aaron is now in school full force. He LOVES his school. Sometimes he whines when I drop him off, but no more crying:) He is all smiles when I pick him up! He comes home each week with a new song to sing for us. The older he gets the more we are realizing his love for music and how quickly he seems to be able to learn songs/tunes. He has his first class party next week for Valentine's Day. We had to go buy CARS valentines for the kids in his class yesterday. The biggest reason I started Aaron to school is because I wanted him to get more socialization and gain more confidence in new situations. He is a very sensitive and sometimes insecure kid when we get in larger groups and new situations. I thought putting him in school would help that and I am very thankful to say that it has! Even as early as the second day of school I noticed a difference in his confidence level in little things and it seems to be growing. YAY! We have parent teacher conferences next month and I cannot hardly wait to see what that will be like. Part of me is kid is 2yrs old...what on earth will we have to talk about. The other part is so excited to find out what Aaron is like without us around. Of course we think he's the smartest child there ever was!!
I am still working once a week...which I enjoy so much! It's worth the sacrifice we make and sometimes the stress of finding a sitter for a few hours until one of us can get home. I think it makes me a better mom and wife to have my own job that doesn't include being a mamma or wife. Hopefully things will work out for me to work right up until I have this kiddo and then I can return after the summer is over. Other than his work, Mark has been working really hard on the house trying to get things finished that are tedious and that can finish before the warm weather gets here..cuz he'll want to be outside at that point. We just have one horse right now, so he is keeping up with riding and some training as he gets time. I can't wait until I can join him again! He is also working very hard on a project for Team Arequipa. He and some other guys from church/work are building solar panels every Sunday afternoon for their trip in June to Peru. We are praying continually that this will help the people of Arequipa. Mark will be going with this team in June to Arequipa to hopefully see this project come to completion and see our good friends there! I know he is excited to go! I will be so jealous, but busy at home with a newborn and our very active 3 year old.
That's pretty much it for now. Sorry it's so long:) I will post pics of the baby belly soon! Mark is taking me on a surprise V-Day date night tonite so maybe I will remember to get some pictures....maybe!
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