Well Corb...you are a whopping 7 months old today! We are so excited for your first Christmas!!! Mommy took you to sit on Santa's lap, which you were not a fan of the big jolly guy. Aaron tried to tell you it was all right but you just stuck that little lip out and looked up at me with the most pitiful face with big ole tears streaming down your face. Maybe next year buddy. We don't make a big deal of Santa in our house at all but we were in the mall and your brother asked to see him. Sorry I didn't get your picture with him...it was $15 for a 5x7 and well, frankly, it's not that important to me to pay for a picture of you screaming. Maybe next year...do I keep saying that???
So here is what you are up to Corban:
-You continue to LOVE your daddy. I think you would choose him over mama any day...unless you are hungry of course. I would say he is your favorite person right now...brother comes in right behind him.
- You are eating lots of different foods now and nurse 3-4 times a day. You still don't like carrots. We are slowly depleting our homemade baby food in the freezer....I am hoping you are going to start eating chunkier stuff so I won't have to make more.
-Bedtime is about 7 or 7:30 and you sleep anywhere from 10-12 hours straight. If you wake up between 5 and 6am I nurse you and you go back to sleep til after 7am. I can't tell you how happy this makes your mama...keep it up buddy!
-Naps are getting much longer in length. You will take a nap about 9 or 9:30 and sleep 1-2 hours. Then you will go back to sleep about 1 or 2 and sleep until around 3:30 or 4pm. I am also really liking this schedule. You sleep with your nuzzy and don't take a pacifier or suck your thumb. You love your nuzzy though. I try to only let you have it when it's time to sleep.
-You are starting to wave at people. You also this think is really funny and are usually smiling or laughing when you wave. I guess you like the attention.
-At home you 'talk' like crazy and are full of personality. When we go out, most of the time you just stare a hole through people. Interesting.
-You can sit up by yourself. I still put a pillow or something soft behind you because you still fall over some...and your brother thinks it's funny to 'help' you fall over.
-You are reaching and grabbing at everything and can pick things up and put them in your mouth pretty well. Yogurt melts and puffs are some of your favorite snacks.
-You love to jump in your johnny jump up and are starting to really like sitting on the floor surrounded by a million toys. I dump your toy box over and you will spend a long time reaching in the box and pull out toys.
- You have a tooth. Bottom front. It came in this past weekend. It looks like the one next too it will be in quickly too.
-You will pretty much let anyone hold you.
-I love your smile. Those dimples are adorable and when you stick your tongue out I just melt.
We love you sweet boy. We are so blessed by watching your new stages of life. You seem to discover something new every day and we find ourselves giggling quite frequently watching you do it. Next week is Christmas..we can't wait to wake up Christmas morning to 2 sweet boys and spend time together.