-You are so close to walking. You can pull up on everything and can use your push walker to get where you need to go. I think you will definitely be walking by next month.
-You are full of personality and are very confident in expressing how you feel. Screaming is the way you express your discontent. We firmly tell you 'no' but can't help but chuckle because of how dramatic you are when you are upset. Most of the time you put your head to the ground and sob, look up at us with your scrunchy nose, and then put your head back down to cry again.
-You are a pretty opinionated little boy. Still an easy baby, but when you want something, you make your needs known.
-Your favorite word is 'da-da.' You walk around and say it all the time randomly. But you also seem to know to associate that with your daddy. You only say ma ma when you are upset...that's not very fun for me.
-You love to play in your brother's room. Since you are so mobile now, your brother gets annoyed with you because you tear down his towers...which is followed by your screams and him shouting no at you. Ahhh...brotherly love. It's already starting. Most of the time you all get along though. You love each other very much.
-You are attempting to say a few words. You try to mimic the word 'duck.' You have a toy duck that you love. You can mimic different sounds/syllables after me when I say them. Words like 'Ba la' and 'Ra Ra.'
-You are sleeping though the night really well now. Bedtime between 7 and 8pm and you wake up between 6 and 7am.
-I nurse you in the morning and at night still. You will eat almost anything as long as it's soft and not too chewy. Spaghetti and green beans are your favorite right now, but you will eat pretty much anything I give you. I LOVE this about you.
-You point at things now and babble something and then look at me. It's cute.
-This past month you decided that you love horses. You spend a lot of your play time looking out the sliding door watching the horses. You reach or anyone who is going near them. You rode with your daddy last weekend and seemed to enjoy every minute of it. Daddy and I are excited about riding with you and brother this summer.
-You still stay with Jesica once a week while I work and seem to be doing really well.
-Most everyone says you look just like your mama:)
-You love your Ra Ra. The last few times we have been around her, you are glued to her. It's cute:) I think she likes it too!
-You LOVE to dance. Anytime you hear music you start to dance...it's adorable. Sometimes you are really feeling it and spin around on your bottom in circles...or course with your scrunchy smile the whole time.
Corban, we love you so much. You bring such color and joy to our family. God has blessed our family immensely.