Monday, August 11, 2014

Family update and Eden 8 months!

Life just seems to be getting busier and busier around here. We are jumping from one thing to the other and my days are running together. We just got back from an awesome week at the trail ride,Eden is 8 months now, Aaron and Corban have both started school, Aaron starts soccer this week and Mark and I turn another year older this month!

Aaron started school at Montessori. We decided to wait another year before sending him to Kindergarten. It has been a hard decision to make, but I think it is what is best. He is such a smart little boy. Loving Montessori! He goes 4 mornings a week from 8-11. The transition has been really smooth for him, for which I am so grateful. He has had trouble with that in the past. I have also enrolled him in homeschool (counting for Kindergarten) just in case we decide to send him straight to 1st grade next fall. Corban started going to Stepping Stones preschool last week. It has been a pretty hard reality for him, which we knew it would be. He cried most of the first day but improved a lot the second. Hopefully he won't torture this mama every Tues and Thurs like his big brothers entire first semester and cry:( I wish I could put a picture of their first day of school on here but unfortunately this mother was a failure and didn't take one. I have my excuses, but let's just leave it at that. ok? I will take a 'pretend' first day picture and that will have to do.

Eden is practically crawling now. She is also pulling up on EVERYTHING. Thus we have entered the 'I crack my head on everything so I should be wearing a helmet all the time' stage of life. I can't believe she is only 8 months and already pulling up and almost crawling. Both boys were well over 10 months before even trying to crawl. She takes 2 naps a day and is really smiley. She LOVES her mama and is a huge cuddler! I love it...except it has been a pain the rear to train her to sleep all night. Thank you Mark for giving each of my children the gift of persistence! She is nursing 3-4 times a day and eating me out of house and home with 'real food' (you can tell by the size of her thighs!). She is starting to develop her own little personality and I LOVE it! She is adorable to look at if I do say so myself. Her brothers make her laugh like no one else! This 3 kid situation isn't half that we are past the infant stage and getting more sleep:) It's amazing how your perspective can change when everyone is relatively healthy, sleeping, and able to be entertained for more than 15 minutes by themselves...ha! no really, I'm serious. Life was questionable for a while there. I am pretty sure we are not only going to make it, but thrive!