Wednesday, October 7, 2015

October starts in a GREAT way!

We made a trip back to Tullahoma last weekend:) One of my good friends there had decided to be baptized. I studied the book of Mark with Tawna for about a year and she texted me a few weeks ago and said she decided to be baptized and wanted me to be there! This was of course the best news EVER and so the whole family decided to make the trip. Andrea A., Kathy B, Corynn and I were all able to get in the water with her as Steven baptized her! This was such a special moment.
Tawna is so special to me. One, because she is the first person I studied with who decided to become a disciple, and two, she has become such a good friend to me, and my family. I admire her so much. Perseverance is one of the first words that comes to mind when I think of her. She has not had a easy road in life and still, she persists, she pushes on. Her heart is tender toward God and she is fiercely protective of those she loves. Her smile is so contagious, even though she covers it up with her hands for fear someone might be looking. She is a great listener and seems to always see the best in people. God has done so much through her already and he is going to do even more amazing things as she matures as His disciple!

We stayed with the Abrahams clan. It did our hearts so much good to be with them and to see our church family in Tullahoma! I was sure to take a few pictures:)

We just chilled most of the day Saturday! We had fall crafts, book reading, coffee drinking, and yummy food! Sorry about your eyes being shut in one of the pics Andi:( Eden looks thrilled in that last pictures doesn't she?:)

Thursday, September 24, 2015

new things

Transition. It's a strange thing. Negativity and positivity seem to come in giant waves for us. We have lot of happy, fun times with family and riding horses. We love going to cousins soccer and T-ball games! Family dinners and FREE babysitting!!!!! We also have lots of sad times where we miss our Tullahoma peeps and all the things that seem 'normal' to our family. Even simple things like letting my kids go outside by themselves without feeling insecure about their safety. I miss going to the park with friends when all of our kids got out of school at the same time. We go by ourselves now. I won't make this a 'why I miss Tullahoma' sob story, I promise! It's been a while since I wrote a blog post. I wanted to give myself time to process this change we have made. I have found that during a time of transition I become some what, well, emotionally unstable. I tend to draw into an introvert shell and become a little ugly at times when I shouldn't be. Is that normal? We are still going through a time of transition, and I think we will for a while longer on different levels. While I kinda wish we were over it, I am gonna just be ok with that and let things happen as they will. Being a control freak and worrier won't help...I don't think.

We are living in a rental house. We have been looking at plans to build a house very soon! We live about 20min from Aaron and Corban's school (which is different from the 7 min we drove in Tullahoma!) The first few weeks of school were rough on everyone. I'm not gonna lie, there were tears on everyone's part. Aaron asked everyday for 2 weeks if we could move back to Tullahoma and Corban had to be peeeled off of me (screaming bloody murder!) when I left him at school. This mama had several days of driving 20 min back home in tears. Poor Mark got several phone calls with me in a very unstable emotional state. bless. Now, both boys seem to be adjusting to their new schools, and our routine is becoming normal for them. Eden has started at Corban's school one day a week, and I go to volunteer at Aaron's school on that day. This is one of my favorite parts of my week! He beems with pride when I walk through the door and we eat lunch together before I leave. He is sweet, adorable, and just a down right smart little boy! His teacher at school was Mark's 4th grade teacher, and he thought that was AMAZING! Our families have been so great to love on us. Having them so close is such a daily blessing, for our kids especially being able to play with cousins more and see grandparents so much more often.

We are still visiting churches. We have enjoyed visiting all different churches around here. We enjoy seeing all the differences in how people worship. No place we call home, yet. I think this is the hardest for me. In Tullahoma, we had such deep relationships with our church family and that has been the hardest part of this transition for me. I hate to use the word lonely to describe how I feel. How could I feel lonely? Most of my family and Mark's family lives here, 5 min from our house! We are psycho busy with kids schedules and daily life stuff. Still, lonely. For friends. The void is real and I feel sad. This was a huge fear I had moving and so I am not surprised I feel this way. I just didn't know what God had in store for me when it came to filling that void. BAM! He did. Or at least he has started to:) A concrete example of God's faithfulness people, here it is....A sweet lady named Shirley. I first met her in a Wednesday night bible class she came to at Melber church. I was teaching for my mom that night. It was announced that her birthday was that week. I am gonna go ahead and call it the Spirit that got me to get up to go talk to Shirley and invite her out to lunch for her birthday. Her words exactly were "I am just sitting at home by myself, so I would love to go out!" We had a nice lunch at Applebees in Mayfield. I found out that Shirley and I are really nothing a like. ha! We come from completely different worlds. We are not the same race. She doesn't like the outdoors. She is a single mom to the most beautiful, sweet, little girl. Last month she and her daughter were homeless. When we got in the car, Shirley looked at me and thanked me for taking her out and proceeded to tell me that she didn't have any friends here and was so glad to finally have a friend! The Spirit moved, ya'll! I felt it. I saw it. In that moment I KNEW why I went to Shirley's table that night to talk to her. Like me, Shirley is lonely. She just moved to Paducah and was helped to find a home by a program in Melber supported by the church. She lives one mile from my house. I just love how God works. I love that He has taken two of the most unlikely people to be friends and put them together to fill a void. I am so thankful for Shirley. God is faithful and I see it, concretely!

Here are some cute pictures of my kiddos right now....enjoy and maybe I will update the blog a little more often:)

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Big changes are coming

It has taken me a long time to write this particular post. Every time I would try and write something I would just sit and stare at the computer screen. Eventually, I just closed the computer and put it aside for another time. Tonite, I have found time and possibly the energy to go ahead and write about our upcoming change as a family.

For my entire married life, Mark and I have always said we wanted to live in Melber, Ky. Both of our families live there. An entire farm waits for us and counts on our arrival to carry on Adams Horses. Once we got married, we knew that staying in Melber wasn't our immediate plan because Mark didn't have a job there and I wanted to finish school. So the decision was made, after a job interview for us to move to Tullahoma, TN. I remember the drive to that little town 11 miles off I24. I remember so many different feelings I had then. Mostly, I remember Mark and I telling pretty much everyone we met in Tullahoma that we were only here for a short time and then we planned to move to Kentucky as soon as Mark could find a job. We took a trip back to Melber about every chance we got. Weekends, holidays, special events. I am pretty sure for the first 3 years we just pretended to live in Tullahoma. Our hearts were in Kentucky. But, we did start a few relationships in Tullahoma. Steve and Margaret Bills. Greg and Andrea Muse. Then a few years later Joel and Andrea Abrahams. Ed and Corynn Moyers, Greg and Megan McKinzie. Before I had even realized it 5 years had gone by and my relationships in Tullahoma had deepened. Now, 11 years later, there are too many names, people, to even write down that we love in this little T-town as the locals call it. I had all 3 of my children in Tullahoma. We bought our first house here. Our best friends live here. We are so blessed with our church family here.

Last month I went on my last Cedar Lane ladies retreat. As we worshiped together on the last evening, I looked around and couldn't help but sit and let tears just fall from my eyes. I hadn't even realized it, but over the past 11 years, these women had become so important to me. The love I have for them has grown into something I never expected. They loved me, matured me, supported me through some of the most important years of my life. One of the many lessons I am learning these days is that we serve a faithful God. When Mark and I were worried about moving away from family and into a town where we knew no one, God was faithful. We found family. A spiritual family who loved us through the beginning of our life together as a married couple, through the birth of each of our children, through deaths of grandparents, in our day to day life joys and struggles. God was faithful then...and He will be faithful now.

In 2 weeks we will be packing up all of our things and moving to Melber, Kentucky. Mark and I are beyond excited. Our kids are getting excited. Our family in Melber is, I think, the most excited of all of us:) I feel so blessed be able to have the opportunity to raise my children around their grandparents, great-grandmother, aunts, uncles, cousins. It's something I never had growing up and wish I had. It's what we both want. It's what we have always expected we would do. But one thing we didn't expect to happen....we will be leaving a very large part of our hearts in Tullahoma, Tn. We did not expect to feel so heartbroken to leave this place we have called home for 11 years and the only place our children know as their home. Those same fears of moving away from 'home' are now upon me once again. This time, they are fears and anxiety about leaving the very place I was scared to come to. I seem to have a never ending list of questions I am asking God these days. I don't consider myself an extremely dramatic or over emotional person normally...but I am definitely all over the place right now. I think most days I could contribute some Psalms of my own to the bible with all of my emotions swaying back and forth. One thing I am trying to constantly tell myself over and over again is that no matter what my fears, anxieties, or expectations of this move...God is faithful. And I must be faithful to his mission no matter where I live. It's so easy to stay where things are comfortable. I like comfortable, predictable, normal. But God did not call us to be comfortable. As a disciple of Christ, I will trust God and not my level of comfort or anxiety. I will not choose my comfort over mission. This move must be first a Kingdom move. What does it look like to further his Kingdom in this super small town that holds both history and future for our family? I know it will be shown to us. God is faithful.

"If You Say Go." I have been singing it over and over again these past few weeks. And I think I will be singing it a lot over the next few months!

If You say go
We will go
If You say wait
We will wait

If You say step out on the water
And they say it can't be done
We'll fix our eyes on You and we will come

If You say go
We will go
If You say wait
We will wait

If You say step out on the water
And they say it can't be done
We'll fix our eyes on You and we will come

Your ways
Are higher than our ways
And the plans that You have laid
Are good and true

If You call us to the fire
You will not withdraw Your hand
We'll gaze into the flames and look for You

If You say go
We will go
If You say wait
We will wait

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The big 6!

Tomorrow I will officially be the proud mother of a 6 year old:) Mark has been telling Aaron since he turned 5 that he wasn't allowed to turn 6. Aaron always gets a big smile on his face when Mark says that to him and says "Dad, you know I can't stay 5!"

Aaron, you are so compassionate and kind hearted. You just finished a year at Montessori for your final year of preschool. You have learned to read and we have discovered your love for numbers. That shouldn't surprise us because your daddy is awesome with numbers. We have noticed that you have an incredible amount of focus for being 5 years old...I mean 6. All your teachers talk about how easy you are to teach and how self-disciplined you are. We always have such positive feed back from family and friends about your attitude and willingness to listen. You always ask questions that I have to think about really hard before I answer. They are super complicated. A lot of the time I let daddy answer them...he tends to ask similar questions:) I love the way you volunteer to play with your siblings so I can finish whatever task I am working on. I love the way you work hard with your daddy and I when we have things to get done around the house or at the barn. I love even more how I randomly find you seeing jobs that need to be done and doing them to "surprise" us. You are a lot like your mama, a people pleaser:) This weekend we will finish a season of baseball. You are on the Nationals and play 2nd base...or 2nd 'baser' if we use your terminology.You are really enjoying playing 'real baseball' as opposed to 'tee ball' last year. You get a hit pretty much every time you are up to bat and play so hard. Last fall/winter you played soccer and loved the running part of it. I am so interested what particular sport you will end up playing more as you get bigger. Right now, you say your favorite is whatever you are playing at the time. You have also reallys started watching baseball and basketball on tv and can follow the game pretty well. Your daddy LOVES having someone who will watch 'the game' with him:) I am so grateful for your example as a big brother to Corban, and how sweet you treat Eden. You have recently discovered a love for broccoli and ribs. You have requested both for your birthday dinner! And oreo ice cream. You have been patching your left eye for a year now. We have gone from 20/200 to 20/30 during that year period patching 6 hrs a day. You have done awesome! You love legos, using your roller skates Gigi got you for Christmas, swimming (you are taking lessons right now) and riding your bike.

Just the other day we told you we are moving to Kentucky this summer. This is big. You have shown pretty mixed emotions about the whole thing. You say you are excited to move where your grandparents and cousins are, but the other night when I put you to bed you started crying because you would miss your friends. I know this move is going to effect you more than your siblings because you are older and can somewhat understand implications of us not being 'home.' I pray daily that the adjustment will be easy for you. We are trying to show you that God is faithful. He was faithful when we moved to Tullahoma knowing no one, and he will be faithful when we move again. We will be about his mission wherever we live.

Aaron, your mama and daddy are so proud of you! You are in such a fun stage of life and we are enjoying watching every minute of it! We pray that you will show Jesus in all of your activities these days and that God will show you his faithfulness as we prepare for a big transition for this family. We love you!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Corban 3 years

Corban, you are 3 years old tomorrow. Today, we took you to ride a train in Chattanooga for your birthday. It's what you said you wanted to do this year. You invited RaRa to come, too! For the past several months you have been OBSESSED with trains. Not so much toy trains or watching them on TV...just going to the train tracks in Tullahoma and watching the trains. You ask every day if we can go watch the trains. Here are some things I want to remember about you right now...

-You are still the funniest little kid ever! You have the best sense of humor and it just keeps getting better the older you get and the more your mature your language becomes. You are witty and understand sarcasm.
-God has given you a love for singing. You sing ALL.THE.TIME. You love to go on stage after worship every week and lead songs. You have memorized a lot of songs and lead them constantly at home. You have even started leading prayer and preaching.
-You love to the run the bases after Aaron's baseball games. Sometimes you don't get the correct order, but have improved a lot since we are always at the ball field.
-You eat a pbj every day for lunch...never anything different. That is so much like your daddy.
-After you are done eating something and want something else you tell me you want "different else" to eat. Makes me giggle every time.
-You are finished with your first year of preschool. You LOVED your teacher Ms.Mikki (she is also part of our church). We fought separation anxiety on and off, but you gradually got better throughout the year.
-Every Wednesday is "Abby day" at our house. She is our awesome babysitter and you LOVE her! She takes you to watch the trains here in Tullahoma almost every time she comes.
-You love everything outdoors. Riding horses, farm work, riding bikes, riding tractors riding bulls....for sure a 'riding' theme here!
-You hate bandaids. When you get hurt...we DO NOT offer a bandaid or any medicine to put on whatever you hurt.
-You are strong-willed and persistent. Nothing stops you if you are determined. This will serve you well in your life. It makes for a challenging 2/3 year old little boy, though:) I am currently reading a book on parenting a strong-willed child...hopefully to help me understand you better...ha!
-Even though you are so young, we have noticed that you can imitate others very well. You can do voice inflection almost perfect when you quote people. You imitate people on TV/commercials/songs almost perfectly.
-Your favorite show to watch is "Mr. Peabody and Sherman."
-You will ALWAYS choose strawberry, and only strawberry, as a flavoring. Strawberry milkshakes, slushes, toppings on ice cream, etc.
-You went to your first UK basketball game this year and LOVED it. Your favorite player is Aaron Harisson.
-every night we put you to bed in your bed and when we wake up in the morning you are usually on the living room floor with a blanket and pillow. We have no idea why, but you always move to the living room in the middle of the night.
-You call your sister "sissy" and no one else does.

Corban, you are so special and our gift from God. You are different. A good, challenging, fun, passionate different. You make your own path in life. I love that you do your own thing and aren't worried about what others want you to do. I pray that you use your love for music to praise God and that others will see Jesus in you from that talent. I can't wait to see how you grow over the next year, son. Mommy and Daddy love you SO MUCH!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

reflecting Christ not culture

For the past several months I have been on a journey...a 'getting healthy and losing weight journey.' A few weeks ago, I was asked to share my journey online since I started my 'plan of getting healthier.' I was happy to do so, and glad that I did! I am proud of the hard work I have done over the past few months and I have definitely changed my daily habits and formed better, healthier habits. I believe this has been a good change and definitely a more permanent one for my family in many ways. I mentioned in my 'journey-sharing' time that I was trying hard to keep myself from OBSESSING over my weight in the midst of losing weight and forming new habits. It's a tough balance, friends, let me tell ya! Tough. I didn't realize how tough until today. I didn't have a handle on it like I thought.

I had lunch with one of my best friends today. Well, we actually spent the day together. One of the MANY subjects we talked about was our bodies and a way of looking at our bodies in a healthy way. She mentioned a time a few nights ago, when we were out with a bunch of friends and I had said something to the group about working out extra hard that day in order to have some extra yummy food that night. Her point: making comments like that is not a healthy way to talk and encourages the exact thing we Christian women should NOT be obsessing over, which is getting our confidence and self-worth from the way we look physically. She's right. That is exactly what that comment portrayed. This part of the conversation today was hard to hear and kind of embarrassing, but I am so glad we had it because it reminds me that I need to be more intentional about what I say. While that comment in and of itself was not intended to reflect my opinion of how women should think of their bodies, I realize that our culture is SO obsessed with physical looks and telling our young girls, teenagers, young mamas, and even elderly women that their physical bodies and looks is what makes them acceptable, pretty, and desirable. The obsession with looking good becomes our identity instead of our desire to be like Christ. I was reflecting my culture not Christ. I do honestly believe that we should be teaching our children that physical looks is not something to ignore but it is also something that we need to keep in perspective as a priority in our lives. I need to make sure the words I use backs up my belief. My theory means nothing unless I can apply it in my life. I want my sons and daughter to hear their mama talk in a way that gives them confidence no matter their physical looks because God made them in his image. Physicality is just a part of that image...not the defining factor.

So...for those of you that read this...I need help! Listen to how I talk, the comments I make and tell me when I reflect Christ and when I don't! For my friend who talked to me in love about this...thank you! Speaking the truth is hard to hear but thank you for doing it in love.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Communion joy

I had to take Eden out during service today a little earlier than usual. She, like my boys, HATES the nursery and always gets what I call 'kicked out' during bible class. So I know that during worship I am pretty much just stuck taking her out until she is a little older. This means that both boys sit with Mark for the majority of service, including the Lord's Supper or "the Jesus supper" according to my children. The Lord's Supper is such a special time for my family. We take the bread and juice all together. The boys always find someone around us to tell that Jesus loves them. We commune together. We talk about Jesus and his life/death/and resurrection as we eat this meal. It is one of the most special ways for our children to learn who Jesus is and what it means for us to follow him. Serving children the Lord's Supper in our tradition is not very popular and to be honest I am not quite sure how everyone who sits around us feels about it. I know there are some who frown upon it. Today, Mark was supposed to serve at the table. Aaron loves to help Mark do this and usually does. Today, Corban got upset when he didn't get to help. Aaron willingly let Corban have his 'turn' so Corban wouldn't be upset. So there my oldest son eat the Jesus supper. Mark said he looked up and Aaron had moved all the way down the pew where an older man sat, and shared the meal with him. This warmed my heart so much! So, to the sweet man (I am ashamed to not know your name) who ate the Jesus supper with my child THANK YOU. Thank you for not ignoring him when he sat there alone with no one to eat with him. Thank you for not judging our family negatively since we give our children the Lord's Supper. Thank you for showing him Jesus.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Eden 13/14 months

So I didn't get your 12 month post done little girl:( I had ever intention to but this winter I have been lacking in the blogging area. I guess we have just been super busy living life. So I am choosing to do an 'almost 14 months' post. ha! So here it goes...

Eden, you are getting SO big! Here is what I want to remember about you at this age...

-You are able to understand some simple commands now and we have started using the 'no' word.
-So far, you don't seem to have a very strong will.
-You are walking everywhere now and starting to pick up speed. You have this one place on your head that just keeps a bruise on it because it is where you always seem to hit when you fall.
-You are much better about not crying when mama leaves you than your brothers were. Hopefully this will continue:)
-You are saying a few words...'mama' 'dada' 'bobo (brother)' 'ho (horse)' 'Papa' 'uh oh' 'ball' 'ra ra (sometimes)'
-if you don't know the word or the sign for something you want, you just point and say 'eh' until we figure out what you want.
-you are starting to shake your whole body like you are saying 'yes' in the correct context to answer our question
-when we hold a camera up to take your picture you stick your neck out really far toward the camera and crinkle up your nose to's adorable!
-you still have SUPER long eye lashes.
-you are a snuggler and I LOVE it!
-you use what we call 'the Corban stare.' Most people who try and talk to you get this stare that your brother Corban would give people also. It is a furrowed brow and a stare that is piercing.
-you sleep through the night about 11 hours and sometimes longer. You are the ONLY child of mine who will sleep past 7am!
-You have 10 teeth and eat pretty much everything except hard candy
-you love to watch baby eintstein's 'old macdonald'
-You love all animals. especially horses.
-I love all your little babbles and attempts at words.
-You are pretty easy going. You kind of have to be being the 3rd child and all.
-You still don't have enough hair to clip a bow in. I have to use bands with bows already on them. But you hate the bands we are not really doing bows...ha!
-You play really well with your brothers and they love to entertain you. Corban leads singing and you dance every morning after breakfast. I love your little dance moves!

My sweet girl. You are the most adorable, chubby, giggly, snuggly, happy, easy going bundle of cuteness! We are so thankful for the blessing of your life. You complete our family perfectly! Our prayer is for God to continue to grow you as he has since you were created! And that your daddy and I will imitate His love to you always! We love you so much!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

We can't seem to stay healthy!

I want to use this blog as a kind of journal entry. Our last several days have been almost comical with all of the sickness that is happening. This is super long so if you are one of the few who read this blog it won't hurt my feelings if you stop here...ha! It's mostly for me to remember!

We got back from Christmas and weren't back for a week when Eden got a double ear infection. The antibiotic the doctor put her on didn't work and after a week she was back to running a fever and pulling at her ears. Back to the doctor we went for a series of rocephin per day x3. Saturday afternoon Aaron was riding Mary and fell off. He landed on his elbow. Saturday night he didn't sleep but a few hours because he was in pain. We decided to wait until Monday morning to try and get him into an orthopedic doctor since he was using his arm and there was minimal swelling. Sunday night Corban woke up with a high fever and was up most of the night. I was on the phone as soon as the clock struck 8am Monday morning to try and get Aaron into a doctor about his arm. Here is how the rest of our day went...

-Called orthopedic doctors in Murfreesboro and Tullahoma only to be on hold for 20min+ and then told that there were absolutely NO openings the rest of this week and to call our Pediatrician and get an xray and referral for their office.
-called Pediatric center, talked to Nurse and explained Aaron's situation. Told to wait for a call back after she talked with doctor.
-30min later nurse called to say that they would order an xray for Aaron's arm and to come get it today.
-got everyone fed and dressed (all except Corban who won't eat and has been crying every second I have been on the phone because the poor kid just wants to be snuggled since he is sick).
-By this point it is 10:30 and I have to get Eden in for her 3rd and final Rocephin shot. This is great because I can just pick up the order for Aaron's xray at the same time. Except I have a sick kid who can't go now.
-Call Mark to come home immediately to watch Corban while I take the other two to the doctor and then hospital for the xray.
-Corban cries because he doesn't want me to leave.
-Get Eden her shot and wait 15min to make sure she has no reaction. Get to the hospital and find a line out the doors just for signing in to be registered.
-fight off a guy who wants to HOLD my one year old daughter. A total stranger was trying to grab her cheeks and hold her in a germ infested hospital. we were holding our breath and using a crazy amount of hand sanitizer!
-wait for an hour before we get to register for the xray.
-got to a different part of the hospital and sign in to wait to be called for the xray. we wait for 25minutes.
-get called for the xray. get 3 pictures and then shoved in an uber small room with my 2 kids to wait to see if the xrays were clear. done.
-go home. mark goes to work. put eden down for a nap and clean kitchen.
-call from Doctor Bard. something got messed up and she asks us to go back to the hospital to get more xrays. ugh. sure.
-call Mark to come back home. Corban cries because I am leaving AGAIN.
-go back to the hospital with just Aaron to get MORE xrays. Radiologist wants to talk to me about results. No fracture can be found but fluid is noted in the elbow joint. don't know why.
-got back home, get a call from pediatrician who recommends going to orthopedic doc. she will arrange it in the morning.
-got home at 5pm. Mark goes to physical therapy. attempt to make spaghetti for dinner. Corban cries the entire time I cook and Eden is clingy.
-Mark gets home at 6:45. Aaron and Eden eat. Corban won't eat and just sits with Mark while I give Eden a bath and put her to bed.
-7:30pm - boys go to bed. Mark and I attempt to watch a show on TV. Corban keeps crying out and still running a fever even after meds. keeps saying his ear hurts.
-by 9pm we decide to go to bed and bring Corban in our bed. he coughed and cried out constantly. We got about 3 hours of sleep the whole night. Aaron comes in at 1am and wants to sleep on the couch. Mark goes to sleep in the recliner. Corban literally lays on top of me. He feels horrible and looks pitiful.
-I hear Eden crying at 1am. She cries off and on for an hour. Everytime I check on her she has lost her nuzzy.
-4am I realized I had fallen asleep since 2:30am. Corban seems like he is finally close to a normal temperature. I didn't even take it because I was so tired.
-Eden starts crying again at 5:30.
-Corban is up for the day at 6am. He is happy. Still says his ear hurts but is happy and temp is 100.8. He and Aaron watch TV for a while. Eden went back to sleep. Got everyone out the door to take Aaron to school by 7:45.
-Got Corban in to see doctor to check his ears at 10am. He ends up with a double ear infection and needs a prescription. Temp is normal now.
-Eden refused to take a morning nap.
-Doctor Bard calls right as we leave parking lot of office (on our way to pick Aaron up LATE from school). They got Aaron into Pediatric Ortho doc in Murfreesboro 2 hours.
-call Mark to come home. go pick up Aaron at school.
-Stop by hospital to pick up CD of xrays taken yesterday while Mark drops Corban's prescription off at Kroger to be filled.
-Feed kids quickest lunch ever. Corban stays with mark while I take Eden and Aaron to Murfreesboro.
-Ortho doc says arm is actually broken. Get a cast for Aaron and drive back home.
-pick up Corban's prescription on the way home.
-Got home at 4:30. Mark goes back to work and picks up a pizza on the way back home. We are all sick of pizza.
-Kids are in bed and Corban has already woken up once since 7:30. Aaron keeps saying his arm itches under his cast. :(

We will see how the rest of the night goes...I think we can only get better from the past 2 nights. Here is the result of our day today.

Aaron has been a champ through this whole ordeal. He continues to make us so grateful for how easy he is to deal with. He LOVES his soccer ball cast, although it was a tough choice between it and the Kentucky blue cast. He will wear the cast for 3 weeks. I am praying for things to go smoothly and his arm is healed by the end of the 3 weeks! I am so glad Mark was able to leave work at a moments notice and stay with Corban. I don't know what I would have done without him! I am also grateful for Dr. Bard and the ortho doc (Christopherson) we saw today. Surely life will calm down for the rest of the week!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Christmas recovery.

I am calling this post Christmas recovery because that is the mode we are in right now. The whole family.

We went to Melber for Christmas! Everyone had a great time together. It is so great as the kids are getting older and really look forward to getting to play with their cousins. My family played Dirty Santa! We laughed and laughed and laughed. We enjoyed our time so much. That's for sure. My kids love their grandparents, aunts and uncles. What a blessing we have in that.

After Christmas we had a birthday party for Eden. She turned one on the 12th of December but it was too close to Christmas to make a trip to Melber so we just had a little family party after the holidays. She certainly didn't know the difference..hehe! We ended up staying longer in Melber than planned for Christmas. Mark took an impromptu trip to New Mexico (and the surrounding states) just before New Years so the kids and I stayed in Melber for the rest of that week. We were there for about 13 days. It was a long time to be away from home. I have so much love for that place and the people there, but I was definitely ready to be back in my own house. Jenny, Sarah, and my parents were so gracious to help me out a lot and keep me company (I am a baby when Mark leaves). We kept busy pretty much the whole 6 days he was gone. We left to come back home as soon as Mark pulled in the driveway. It still put us in Tullahoma at bedtime. The next morning the boys had school so we didn't have much recovery time:( We have all had a hard past few days of trying to get back into the groove of things. Corban always shows his difficulty in the form of refusing to sleep in his own bed. It didn't help that he slept most nights with me while Mark was gone. The transition was not pretty yesterday or today for him. Eden ran a fever the second we stepped through our door and ended up with a double ear infection. So we have already been to the doctor this year! Aaron has always been extremely emotional when we make a transition like this one. He cries a lot over little things and keeps saying that he can't get used to be back home yet. Poor guy. Part of it is the fact that he is spoiled rotten when we are around family and getting back to reality is tough.

My Christmas tree is still up and I have no clue when I will get it down. The boys keep begging me to leave it up 'just one more day.' The really cold weather has begun. Now that Christmas is over I am ready for warm weather...ha! Hopefully I can get a 12 month post on our little girl soon! Here are a few pictures...