Saturday, February 7, 2015

Eden 13/14 months

So I didn't get your 12 month post done little girl:( I had ever intention to but this winter I have been lacking in the blogging area. I guess we have just been super busy living life. So I am choosing to do an 'almost 14 months' post. ha! So here it goes...

Eden, you are getting SO big! Here is what I want to remember about you at this age...

-You are able to understand some simple commands now and we have started using the 'no' word.
-So far, you don't seem to have a very strong will.
-You are walking everywhere now and starting to pick up speed. You have this one place on your head that just keeps a bruise on it because it is where you always seem to hit when you fall.
-You are much better about not crying when mama leaves you than your brothers were. Hopefully this will continue:)
-You are saying a few words...'mama' 'dada' 'bobo (brother)' 'ho (horse)' 'Papa' 'uh oh' 'ball' 'ra ra (sometimes)'
-if you don't know the word or the sign for something you want, you just point and say 'eh' until we figure out what you want.
-you are starting to shake your whole body like you are saying 'yes' in the correct context to answer our question
-when we hold a camera up to take your picture you stick your neck out really far toward the camera and crinkle up your nose to's adorable!
-you still have SUPER long eye lashes.
-you are a snuggler and I LOVE it!
-you use what we call 'the Corban stare.' Most people who try and talk to you get this stare that your brother Corban would give people also. It is a furrowed brow and a stare that is piercing.
-you sleep through the night about 11 hours and sometimes longer. You are the ONLY child of mine who will sleep past 7am!
-You have 10 teeth and eat pretty much everything except hard candy
-you love to watch baby eintstein's 'old macdonald'
-You love all animals. especially horses.
-I love all your little babbles and attempts at words.
-You are pretty easy going. You kind of have to be being the 3rd child and all.
-You still don't have enough hair to clip a bow in. I have to use bands with bows already on them. But you hate the bands we are not really doing bows...ha!
-You play really well with your brothers and they love to entertain you. Corban leads singing and you dance every morning after breakfast. I love your little dance moves!

My sweet girl. You are the most adorable, chubby, giggly, snuggly, happy, easy going bundle of cuteness! We are so thankful for the blessing of your life. You complete our family perfectly! Our prayer is for God to continue to grow you as he has since you were created! And that your daddy and I will imitate His love to you always! We love you so much!