I had to take Eden out during service today a little earlier than usual. She, like my boys, HATES the nursery and always gets what I call 'kicked out' during bible class. So I know that during worship I am pretty much just stuck taking her out until she is a little older. This means that both boys sit with Mark for the majority of service, including the Lord's Supper or "the Jesus supper" according to my children. The Lord's Supper is such a special time for my family. We take the bread and juice all together. The boys always find someone around us to tell that Jesus loves them. We commune together. We talk about Jesus and his life/death/and resurrection as we eat this meal. It is one of the most special ways for our children to learn who Jesus is and what it means for us to follow him. Serving children the Lord's Supper in our tradition is not very popular and to be honest I am not quite sure how everyone who sits around us feels about it. I know there are some who frown upon it. Today, Mark was supposed to serve at the table. Aaron loves to help Mark do this and usually does. Today, Corban got upset when he didn't get to help. Aaron willingly let Corban have his 'turn' so Corban wouldn't be upset. Best.big.brother. So there my oldest son sits...alone...to eat the Jesus supper. Mark said he looked up and Aaron had moved all the way down the pew where an older man sat, and shared the meal with him. This warmed my heart so much! So, to the sweet man (I am ashamed to not know your name) who ate the Jesus supper with my child THANK YOU. Thank you for not ignoring him when he sat there alone with no one to eat with him. Thank you for not judging our family negatively since we give our children the Lord's Supper. Thank you for showing him Jesus.