Corban, you are 3 years old tomorrow. Today, we took you to ride a train in Chattanooga for your birthday. It's what you said you wanted to do this year. You invited RaRa to come, too! For the past several months you have been OBSESSED with trains. Not so much toy trains or watching them on TV...just going to the train tracks in Tullahoma and watching the trains. You ask every day if we can go watch the trains. Here are some things I want to remember about you right now...
-You are still the funniest little kid ever! You have the best sense of humor and it just keeps getting better the older you get and the more your mature your language becomes. You are witty and understand sarcasm.
-God has given you a love for singing. You sing ALL.THE.TIME. You love to go on stage after worship every week and lead songs. You have memorized a lot of songs and lead them constantly at home. You have even started leading prayer and preaching.
-You love to the run the bases after Aaron's baseball games. Sometimes you don't get the correct order, but have improved a lot since we are always at the ball field.
-You eat a pbj every day for lunch...never anything different. That is so much like your daddy.
-After you are done eating something and want something else you tell me you want "different else" to eat. Makes me giggle every time.
-You are finished with your first year of preschool. You LOVED your teacher Ms.Mikki (she is also part of our church). We fought separation anxiety on and off, but you gradually got better throughout the year.
-Every Wednesday is "Abby day" at our house. She is our awesome babysitter and you LOVE her! She takes you to watch the trains here in Tullahoma almost every time she comes.
-You love everything outdoors. Riding horses, farm work, riding bikes, riding tractors riding bulls....for sure a 'riding' theme here!
-You hate bandaids. When you get hurt...we DO NOT offer a bandaid or any medicine to put on whatever you hurt.
-You are strong-willed and persistent. Nothing stops you if you are determined. This will serve you well in your life. It makes for a challenging 2/3 year old little boy, though:) I am currently reading a book on parenting a strong-willed child...hopefully to help me understand you better...ha!
-Even though you are so young, we have noticed that you can imitate others very well. You can do voice inflection almost perfect when you quote people. You imitate people on TV/commercials/songs almost perfectly.
-Your favorite show to watch is "Mr. Peabody and Sherman."
-You will ALWAYS choose strawberry, and only strawberry, as a flavoring. Strawberry milkshakes, slushes, toppings on ice cream, etc.
-You went to your first UK basketball game this year and LOVED it. Your favorite player is Aaron Harisson.
-every night we put you to bed in your bed and when we wake up in the morning you are usually on the living room floor with a blanket and pillow. We have no idea why, but you always move to the living room in the middle of the night.
-You call your sister "sissy" and no one else does.
Corban, you are so special and our gift from God. You are different. A good, challenging, fun, passionate different. You make your own path in life. I love that you do your own thing and aren't worried about what others want you to do. I pray that you use your love for music to praise God and that others will see Jesus in you from that talent. I can't wait to see how you grow over the next year, son. Mommy and Daddy love you SO MUCH!