Transition. It's a strange thing. Negativity and positivity seem to come in giant waves for us. We have lot of happy, fun times with family and riding horses. We love going to cousins soccer and T-ball games! Family dinners and FREE babysitting!!!!! We also have lots of sad times where we miss our Tullahoma peeps and all the things that seem 'normal' to our family. Even simple things like letting my kids go outside by themselves without feeling insecure about their safety. I miss going to the park with friends when all of our kids got out of school at the same time. We go by ourselves now. I won't make this a 'why I miss Tullahoma' sob story, I promise! It's been a while since I wrote a blog post. I wanted to give myself time to process this change we have made. I have found that during a time of transition I become some what, well, emotionally unstable. I tend to draw into an introvert shell and become a little ugly at times when I shouldn't be. Is that normal? We are still going through a time of transition, and I think we will for a while longer on different levels. While I kinda wish we were over it, I am gonna just be ok with that and let things happen as they will. Being a control freak and worrier won't help...I don't think.
We are living in a rental house. We have been looking at plans to build a house very soon! We live about 20min from Aaron and Corban's school (which is different from the 7 min we drove in Tullahoma!) The first few weeks of school were rough on everyone. I'm not gonna lie, there were tears on everyone's part. Aaron asked everyday for 2 weeks if we could move back to Tullahoma and Corban had to be peeeled off of me (screaming bloody murder!) when I left him at school. This mama had several days of driving 20 min back home in tears. Poor Mark got several phone calls with me in a very unstable emotional state. bless. Now, both boys seem to be adjusting to their new schools, and our routine is becoming normal for them. Eden has started at Corban's school one day a week, and I go to volunteer at Aaron's school on that day. This is one of my favorite parts of my week! He beems with pride when I walk through the door and we eat lunch together before I leave. He is sweet, adorable, and just a down right smart little boy! His teacher at school was Mark's 4th grade teacher, and he thought that was AMAZING! Our families have been so great to love on us. Having them so close is such a daily blessing, for our kids especially being able to play with cousins more and see grandparents so much more often.
We are still visiting churches. We have enjoyed visiting all different churches around here. We enjoy seeing all the differences in how people worship. No place we call home, yet. I think this is the hardest for me. In Tullahoma, we had such deep relationships with our church family and that has been the hardest part of this transition for me. I hate to use the word lonely to describe how I feel. How could I feel lonely? Most of my family and Mark's family lives here, 5 min from our house! We are psycho busy with kids schedules and daily life stuff. Still, lonely. For friends. The void is real and I feel sad. This was a huge fear I had moving and so I am not surprised I feel this way. I just didn't know what God had in store for me when it came to filling that void. BAM! He did. Or at least he has started to:) A concrete example of God's faithfulness people, here it is....A sweet lady named Shirley. I first met her in a Wednesday night bible class she came to at Melber church. I was teaching for my mom that night. It was announced that her birthday was that week. I am gonna go ahead and call it the Spirit that got me to get up to go talk to Shirley and invite her out to lunch for her birthday. Her words exactly were "I am just sitting at home by myself, so I would love to go out!" We had a nice lunch at Applebees in Mayfield. I found out that Shirley and I are really nothing a like. ha! We come from completely different worlds. We are not the same race. She doesn't like the outdoors. She is a single mom to the most beautiful, sweet, little girl. Last month she and her daughter were homeless. When we got in the car, Shirley looked at me and thanked me for taking her out and proceeded to tell me that she didn't have any friends here and was so glad to finally have a friend! The Spirit moved, ya'll! I felt it. I saw it. In that moment I KNEW why I went to Shirley's table that night to talk to her. Like me, Shirley is lonely. She just moved to Paducah and was helped to find a home by a program in Melber supported by the church. She lives one mile from my house. I just love how God works. I love that He has taken two of the most unlikely people to be friends and put them together to fill a void. I am so thankful for Shirley. God is faithful and I see it, concretely!
Here are some cute pictures of my kiddos right now....enjoy and maybe I will update the blog a little more often:)