This is a time for singing,
for standing tall
and singing loud.
This is a time for smiling,
laughter welling up
from deep in our souls.
So we will sing.
We will smile.
And we will remember
that life is good
and worthy of celebration!
Hope and peace are already ours;
we carry them with us
as we move into the day.
For today
this Advent Sunday
is a day for joy.
Because he comes!
The One who heals the sick,
restores our vision,
tends the lame,
shelters the lost . . .
He comes!
In the midst of our grief,
our exhaustion,
our disillusionment,
Into our fear,
our confusion,
even our despair . . .
he still comes.
So sing!
With your whole heart, soul,
mind and strength.
Join Mother Mary
and rejoice
in the unexpected,
upside down,
ways of the wandering rabbi,
the one who brings down thrones,
and lifts up the lowly.
The one who upsets expectations,
calls out deception,
feeds the hungry,
upsets the apple cart,
blesses the children,
knows our weakness,
and calls us by name.
Hallelujah! Amen.