Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Baby is here!!!
Elayna Vaye Mabry
September 19, 2008
6:42 PM
9 pounds 13 ounces
21 1/4 inches
Pictures will come later when I get some, but for now, those who know her blog can get on there an see them. Yesterday was a hard day for all of the Mabry family...and Jess. Gloria's water broke about 7pm on Thursday night and she was in labor for a total of 24 hours before a c-section was decided upon. Gloria had stopped dialating and she had a slight fever making the Elayna's heart rate go up. Long story short, she had the c-section and Elayna showed her mommy and daddy just exactly why she was unable to come out any other way...she was almost 10lbs! Mom and baby are doing great and I hear daddy is so proud. Jess was such a great friend. She kept everyone so well informed to which I am so thankful. She spent all of the same long hours at the hospital keeping Glo and Ryan company. Thanks so much Jess! I'm so excited to go see them in October. It can't come soon enough. See you soon Elayna!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
This weekend's adventure...
Friday, September 12, 2008
A visit from Aiden
I can't wait to be able to spend time with him again soon. Thanks for coming over Aiden!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Walnuts and grapes...
A weekend in Cookeville
demonstrated well by Matt.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Cookin' with Marlee...
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 much fun!
Abby and Marlee enjoying coffee Sunday morning
Last weekend, Mark and I went home to Kentucky for our birthdays. We got there on Friday about 4pm, just in time for me to get my hair cut/highlighted. Sarah picked me up from my hair appointment and we went to Olive Garden. I highly recommend the endless soup, salad, and bread sticks....very good! Mark's Aunt Rachel came to stay for the weekend, it was fun to see her! If you have never met Mark's aunt Rachel you should, she is so much fun. I have to warn you though, the combo of Jenny and Aunt Rachel is the funniest thing I have ever seen. You literally will laugh until you hurt.
Saturday morning(Marlee and Raich's birthday), Baba and I went and picked beans together. I love talking with her about anything really, but most of all I love hearing about 'how things used to be,' when she was younger. After bean picking, I spent some time with Mark and Jerry at the barn working with horses until dinner time. Mark and I went to mom and dad's house for a birthday dinner and presents. I love just being at my house when my mom is making dinner, Rachel plays the piano and dad is studying. It reminds me of when I was little; of course the only exception was that I would be at the kitchen table doing homework.
Sunday morning (Mark's birthday) we worshiped at Melber. One of my favorite things about worshiping at Melber is sitting in my seat looking at all of the people around me singing and worshiping God. I just love closing my eyes and hearing those that I hold most dear to my heart singing as one, glorifying God. During the Lord's supper I looked over at Mark and we both whispered to each other that we were thinking of Team Arequipa who would also be taking the Lord's supper that morning. After worship pretty much the entire Adams' family gathered at Jerry and Jenny's for 'the birthday's.' It was so much fun and sweet of everyone to come! Sunday night we went with a bunch of people from church to a corn maze. Everything was going great and we were having fun weaving in and out of the corn trying to find our way out when we got a phone call from Crystal who said that everyone had made it out but us. Mark and I, Randy and Renee, Alex and Lauren and Christina Hays had entered 'The Labrinth," and didn't know it. This apparently not a good thing. The Labrinth was a maze inside of the maze. Naturally when we finally came out everyone was waiting and embarrassing. So much fun though.
Monday morning started with breakfast at Baba's. The usual bacon, eggs, AWESOME biscuts, gravy and endless bowls of peaches. It is almost sinful...notice I said almost! Then is was off to the barn. Mark and I and Jerry rode for a while, and then sadly had to pack up and leave. The long weekend was so much fun, busy, but so much fun!
I heard from Megan this weekend as well. Team Arequipa has finally made it to their destination. Language school has started and I think they are finally starting to settle in for a while. I miss them terribly, but I am filled with excitement every time I read an email about what they are doing! Keep praying!
As everyone knows, I think, Gloria is due to have her baby very soon! I am so excited for her and Ryan and I can't wait to see Elayna. Keep them in your prayers while Gloria tries to keep her sanity in the last few weeks.