Sunday, September 7, 2008

Walnuts and grapes...

Today I discovered that grapes and walnuts together taste unbelievable! Apparently the entire rest of the cooking world knew this, but me. I made California Chicken Salad (never done that before) for small group this afternoon which called guessed it...grapes and walnuts! I just happen to put one right after the other in my mouth and had one of those, 'oh my goodness that's good!' moments. I immediately called my friend Andi who said, "I know," with a sweet voice. 'Cool!' I thought. Then I called my other friend Andrea M., and her response was exactly the same. I instantly felt pretty much stupid. What was I thinking...of course they knew...they are stinkin' awesome cooks! So, I just thought in case anyone else in my little blogging world wanted to know, walnuts and grapes are heavenly together! Yum Yum!

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