So....we made it to Arequpia! We are safe and sound at Greg and Meg's place. After a long trip we arrived at the Arequpia airport about 5am. I'm sure you are wondering how we did on the flights...well Mark won't be able to tell you because HE SLEPT THE ENTIRE WAY! He stayed awake long enough to transfer flights, then he was out until I woke him up AFTER we had already landed in each airport. My absoulte favorite time was in the Lima airport when we (actually I mean Mark) slept during our 3 hour layover. I got a total of 30min the entire trip....most of which was in the Lima airport. My job was to stand guard of our 'stuff.' I am not exaggerating when I say that Mark had no trouble sleeping in the airport. I woke him up at least 5 times due to his extremely loud snoring which was causing others who were slowing coming into the gate area to STARE! He was very good thought through the long flight from Atlanta to remind me to get up and walk around.
Once we arrived we met Greg at the Arequipa airport and he was gracious enought to aready have a cab ready to take us to their appartment. The car ride was interesting. I loved the expressions on Mark's face as we would pass in the tiniest spaces on an already small road. It was very interesting to say the least. I have to say Mark and I instantly fell in love with this city and all the views surrounding it. It took our breath away as soon as we got off the plane. Megan was ready and waiting with her usual beautiful smile. It was so wonderful just seeing both of them. Ana has grown so much since we saw here last. She was a little baby when we saw her last and has now grown into a little girl full of energy and the CUTEST faces. Very friendly and loves to read and color...a tactic Mark and I used to get her to play with us. Now we are great friends! Except for the fact that she has called me 'Jenny, Danny, Marlee, and Diane' since we have been here, we seem to really be getting along great. Of course she has no trouble remembering Mark's name without even a cue. We have spent the day relaxing and talking A LOT! Tonite we are going to Kyle and Larissa's....very excited! I can't wait to see them, especially can't wait to see Shaye and how much she has grown.
It's getting to be about that time, so I need to get going. More about our walk and the food we have encountered. Here are some pics to get you started!
Glad you made it! Have fun and stay safe. Keep us posted.
Thanks for calling before you you so much. Look forward to more pics.
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