So we started sleeping in our crib in August but had a temporary siesta from it due to sleep problems and a little cold...and reverted back to the swing. Recently I put the swing away and we are now sleeping in our crib. Very exciting.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
sleeping like a big boy
So we started sleeping in our crib in August but had a temporary siesta from it due to sleep problems and a little cold...and reverted back to the swing. Recently I put the swing away and we are now sleeping in our crib. Very exciting.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Miller's Grocery

Thursday, September 24, 2009
I can't help it!
I can't help it, I keep taking pictures of a boy. Aaron loves to get in mommy and daddy's bed at night before bedtime. What a big boy. He isn't sleeping with least not yet. We have no intention to let him, but from knowing my husbands sleep history we may be in for a rough ride trying to keep him out.
What if every time you looked over at your child, you saw this....
So last night Aaron got kicked out of his bible class for the first time. While I was teaching away in my ladies class I heard my screaming child out in the hallway. Apparently, he got upset in the nursery and the poor women who were watching him tried everything they knew but he wouldn't stop. So, they went and got Mark out of his meeting. Mark walked him around outside and said he gave him practically the entire bottle of Mylicon. He eventually stopped crying and fell asleep; GREAT JOB HUSBAND! After class, Mark was waiting at the door with my poor child who was red and sweaty from head to foot, but sleeping. I kissed him on the forehead and he must have heard me cuz he started screaming again. I took him and he immediately stopped crying. The good news....he loves his mommy; the bad news....he got kicked out of bible class.
Monday, September 21, 2009
3 months
Sunday, September 20, 2009
3 month pictures taken
Andrea came over to take Aaron's 3 month pictures. He cooperated for about 15minutes, and then he was done. He had enough of the outfit and position changes. I think we got some good ones though. We'll get to look at them on Tuesday, but I thought you would enjoy the family effort of getting Aaron to smile while Andy took them.
On another note; we had a great worship time this morning. We were able to skype with team Arequipa with the entire church and commune with them. What a blessing! It has already been one year since they moved to Arequipa. Mark and I miss them so much. Watching their 1 year video they put together, brought tears to my eyes. We are so excited about what God is doing through them in Arequipa, but we can't help feeling sad that they are so far away. Today was wonderful though, and I am so thankful that the church could hear the wonderful things that are being done in Arequipa and the wonderful things that are to come. We also had a very encouraging small group. We spent time in prayer with one another. Very uplifting and a change from what we normally do.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Farmer Adams
Andrea came over the other day for a visit. Apparently, Aaron didn't know just how funny Aiden was until that day. Thought I would post about Aaron's first friend. I think I see a little bit of Dado in that smile. We also decided to explore Aaron's farming heritage by wearing some overalls. I think he looks pretty good in them. Now we just have to show him how to grow stuff. If only his dad and mom knew might be a bit easier.
Pretty cute huh?!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Sickly, Sickly
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Alright, so most of you are aware that Mark (and I, I guess) have been building a fence ever since about a week after we moved in. This fence has been the most frustrating thing for both Mark and I since we started it. Everytime Mark (and sometimes me) go out to work on it, the goal that was set for the day to get accomplished is no where near met. But, today I am proud to say that we have accomplished something on "the fence." we have all 5 strands up on one whole side and the entire back part of the property. All the necessary wires have been insulated, nailed, and ratcheted(sp). Yesterday we got 2 strands of the white wire up on the part of the fence that surrounds the house. I have to say it looks really good and I'm proud of Mark for all of his hard work. At the same time, I hate this fence. It has been all Mark (and I, sometimes) has done pretty much in the evenings and weekends since we moved in. The only sad thing is that Jerry is not here to see the progress that he worked so hard to prepare for. So here are the pictures of our loverly fence. Enjoy please.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Aaron Update
Sleeping during the night is going great. He will sleep through the night every once and a while, but mostly just wakes up anywhere from 2-5am to eat and then will sleep until 7:30 before it's time to get up and start the day. Sleeping during the day is another story. I have tried everything I know to get him to sleep longer, but he only sleeps for 45min at a time. Not sure what the deal is, but we are working on a schedule. It seems a little impossible at this point, but we are going to keep working on it. Aaron's favorite book (it seems) is Dr. Seuss's "Mr. Brown can MOO, can you?" Mark reads it to him every night after is bath before he goes to bed. It seems like most of the time Aaron is trying to read the book to his daddy. His squeeks and noises are so cute to hear as his daddy reads. I love watching him discover his surroundings more and more. I especially love that he is starting to really recognize Mark and I over other people. We have been on several little hikes lately which he seems to really enjoy. We are really happy he loves the outdoors. Soon we will be riding horses together and who knows what else. We are so thankful for Aaron's health and that he is developmentally on target. I have heard from everyone else that he will grow up so fast and boy were they right. I'm excited for the next few months to see all the fun new things Aaron discovers around him.
P.S. Thank you Grandmommy Adams for my outfit in this picture. I wore it Sunday and it fits perfect.
Friday, September 11, 2009
'Daily conversations' with Aunt Rachel
Sometimes I am frustrated with our world today and how much we depend on and say we 'need' all the new technology that is available to us. I realize how dependant I actually am when I get in my car and the first thing that comes to my mind is, "where is my cell phone?" and/or "who do I need to call?" But at 9am daily, I am really happy that we have a lap top with skype (with a camera). We have started "daily conversations with Aunt Rachel." So this morning I decided I would share with you all what happens at my house every morning. I eat breakfast and make my coffee, and Aaron talks with Aunt Rachel. I'm not sure who likes this time more, Aaron or Aunt Rachel.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Family Time
This weekend, Mom and Raich came to visit for the long weekend. Happy Birthday to me! Mom and Raich were up planting flowers for me on Saturday when I woke up. They are beautiful! We made a trip to Cookeville to see Matt and Lori and ELI! It was amazing to see how much bigger Aaron is than Eli. We really enjoyed our visit. Matt and Lori seem to be doing great; except for the fact that Matt cut his hand on a lawn mower blade that he and Mark were trying to sharpen and went to the ER for stitches. Here are some pics.

The cousins together

Sweet Eli
Birthday flowers!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Almost there
My Wednesday night class went pretty well I think. Decent turn out for a beginner teacher. I only felt nervous for about 5min and then felt pretty comfortable. So thanks to everyone who called afterward to ask how things went.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Mr. Brown can MOO, Can you?
I start my ladies bible class tonite on The Lord's Supper. I'm excited to share with these ladies about God's intent for communion with his people. At the same time, I'm nervous. I have never done this before, but I know it will be a huge growing experience for me. So for whoever reads this, I would appreciate some extra prayers and thoughts.
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