I can't help it, I keep taking pictures of a boy. Aaron loves to get in mommy and daddy's bed at night before bedtime. What a big boy. He isn't sleeping with us...at least not yet. We have no intention to let him, but from knowing my husbands sleep history we may be in for a rough ride trying to keep him out.
What if every time you looked over at your child, you saw this....
So last night Aaron got kicked out of his bible class for the first time. While I was teaching away in my ladies class I heard my screaming child out in the hallway. Apparently, he got upset in the nursery and the poor women who were watching him tried everything they knew but he wouldn't stop. So, they went and got Mark out of his meeting. Mark walked him around outside and said he gave him practically the entire bottle of Mylicon. He eventually stopped crying and fell asleep; GREAT JOB HUSBAND! After class, Mark was waiting at the door with my poor child who was red and sweaty from head to foot, but sleeping. I kissed him on the forehead and he must have heard me cuz he started screaming again. I took him and he immediately stopped crying. The good news....he loves his mommy; the bad news....he got kicked out of bible class.
1 comment:
Hilarious! I love the picture of him smiling so big. There is nothing like it, is there Momma?
Way to go Mark! I hope this isn't a trend for him. If he gets kicked out of Bible class there is no telling what he will do in school. :)
By the way, I hope your class went well last night.
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