Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fun with cousin Eli

So we came to Cookeville yesterday to spend Halloween with Matt, Lori and Eli. I am very proud to say that my son did excellent going to sleep. Since Eli still sleeps in his parents room, he was nice and let Aaron sleep in his crib. Aaron slept exactly like he does at home and didn't even cry. We love Matt and Lori. It is so relaxing to be at their house. Eli is getting so big already. I have decided that our trips should not be so far apart next time. So, we had attempt #2 at rice cereal. It have to say, it went SO MUCH BETTER. He took it so much better and actually seemed to like it a little. We also introduced the sippy cup. He really likes it, or likes to chew on it. It's amazing how much different a month has made for him. Tonite we go to Matt and Lori's church for a Halloween party. More pictures to come.

Sippy Cup Time!

planning fencing techniques with Uncle Matt and Daddy

The Cousins (-1) - we missed you Elayna

Friday, October 30, 2009

Burgess Falls Hike

On our way to Matt and Lori's tonite, we stopped by Burgess Falls for a short hike. It was GORGEOUS! All the trees were so beautiful and Aaron really seemed to love sitting in his little pack (even though it's too small). He was so cute. His eyes got huge when he saw the falls. We didn't go right down to the edge of the falls because it was so misty and wet, and since the wind was blowing so hard I figured it wouldn't be good for the little boy to get that close. Daddy went down there of course and took pictures. Here are some pictures from our adventure!

Burgess Falls

Our family

Mommy and Aaron on top of the falls

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Trunk or Treat

Last night we did Trunk or Treat before Bible class. Aaron went as a giraffe..very cute. He was worn out by the time it was over. He did sleep through the first half of it though. Mr. Gary (youth minister) took him and he sat in the back of his troop as the parade of children passed by and admired our little giraffe and got their candy. It was a great night. I met people I didn't know from our community and was glad to see a lot of new faces. Here are some pictures.

Our Small group

Mommy and Aaron giving out candy

Dreaming of candy he can't have....thanks Mr. Gary!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Love that thumb!

sucking his thumb while riding "Hank"

playing while mommy fixes dinner

So Aaron is officially a thumb sucker. He has been working on it now for weeks. Yesterday after I put him down for a nap he immediately stuck his thumb in his mouth. He sucks it during the day too while he is playing. I realize it is a hard habit to break, but I am still happy for it. He will eventually quit and at least he is self soothing and I don't have to go in every hour and put it back in his mouth. Tonite is trunk-or-treat before Bible class. I only have another month with my Wednesday night class before the quarter is over. It has gone by fast and we still have big things ahead before it ends!

Monday, October 19, 2009

sweet, sweet boy!

I know it's not Halloween yet, but I can't help it. Jenny and I put his costume on this weekend and took pictures. He is the cutest little giraffe I have ever seen (I realize I'm biased). He is actually almost too long to fit into it. It's a 3-6mo size, but he seems to be getting longer by the day and some of his 6mo clothes fit now. What am I going to do? Thank goodness for consignment sales!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Jenny, Jerry, Lucy, Jasper and BABA came this weekend. We are so glad we finally got Baba to come visit. I just have to say....I LOVE THAT WOMAN! She is the best grandmother/great-grandmother EVER! Joann (Mark's aunt-sort of) also came to visit for the evening. Mark and Jerry worked on the fence until dark (of course), and the women just sat and watched Aaron for him to make one little facial expression and just died laughing when he did. This morning Aaron didn't wake up until almost 9am...shocking. Baba and I got to spend some time making her homemade biscuits (I'm trying to master them STILL), and talking about life. I am so thankful that she came down to visit. I spent all this time cleaning before she came so she would get to just visit and relax...what was I thinking? I would say that she spent most of the time washing dishes, mopping, wiping counters, and anything else she could think of to clean. I don't know what I thought she would do anything other than that; it's all she does at home. So the goal after today is that the fence will be totally completed and horses will be walking around in our pasture eating the grass. I'll take a FINAL picture tomorrow. For now, enjoy that pictures/videos.

making biscuts

Thursday, October 15, 2009

First hair cut

So I finally got tired of hearing everyone say that they couldn't believe my son had curly hair. I knew he didn't have curly hair for read, but it just had never been cut. Sooo...I gave Aaron his first hair cut this morning. Definitely one of the most challenging moments in our lives together. I seriously have been trying to work out the courage to cut his hair for a few weeks now. This morning after he woke up from his first nap I decided 'IT WAS TIME.' Was I worried about poking my child's eye out, or cutting his forehead open....YES! But it was well worth the risk to see his cute little face looking right at me when I was finished.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Daddy time

Yesterday afternoon Aaron and Mark spent a while reading together. Aaron really seemed to love it. He just sat there talking and smiling at his daddy. He has also recently found his thumb. He hasn't started sucking it constantly YET, but it seems to be in the near future. We tried rice cereal Saturday morning...didn't really go so well. I think he actually swallowed some of it, but thew it back up about 30min later. Maybe we'll try it again another time.

Reading Mark with daddy

My daddy is hilarous

rice cereal attempt #1

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Rain or Shine

Rain or shine...we will work on the fence and get it done. Well today it was cold, wet, and depressing. Guess what we did....worked on the fence. At this point of our fence building I have become numb when it comes to my emotions when Mark says he wants to work on it. Some day we will have a beautiful FINISHED fence with beautiful horses to look at outside my back door. On another note, I have to say a big THANK YOU to Lance and Donna Askins who were so awesome to keep my child and Aiden last night so that Mark and I and Joel and Andi went to O'Charleys to eat for dinner. It was so wonderful to sit and eat (and laugh a lot) without worrying if your child will behave so you can choke your food down in 5min. We love Joel and Andi and really enjoyed our time together. Andrea and I went earlier that day to Murfreesboro to shop for winter clothes...I actually bought some clothes for Aaron! He was quickly growing out of his current wardrobe and needed some pants really bad. I also found some socks (size 6mo.+). Although today was a 'work on the fence day,' I really did enjoy being at home with my husband and baby. It is the first weekend in a VERY long time that it has just been the 3 of us and I really loved it. Visitors are so fun and we love it, but I didn't realize that our weekends have always been full of people coming to visit or us going home. The change was nice.

P.S. The random picture of Aaron was a filler...I didn't take a current picture of the fence. Don't worry...we have plenty of time to take one.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

ride a little horsey

I put Aaron in his little horsey bouncer this morning to see what he would do. He seemed to like it. His feet actually touch the ground now. I makes me realize how much he has matured and grown since I put him in it last ( a month ago). Good news....we seem to be doing better with the whole sleep situation. He is taking longer naps and sleeping good at night (for a few nights now), so we'll see what the future holds. Keep your fingers crossed. Also this morning he found himself and me in the mirror and thought it was the funniest thing he has ever seen. I didn't get it on camera (yet), but I will keep trying. Also, I went to walmart yesterday to get him some new socks (he doesn't have that many) since it is getting colder now. I am trying to pick a package out and just automatically decided on the 0-6mo. right because Aaron is only 4 months. When I get home and start to open the package I find on the back a handy dandy little thingy on the back of the package where you can measure the child's foot so you know what size to buy. I thought, "what a great idea to do that, let's just see how big his foot is." Well, I found that my child's foot is too big! I have to take this package back and get the 6-18mo. package. Is this normal?
I am loving this stage in his life. He seems to discover new things every day in his world and always comes up with a new facial expression along with a very LOUD scream to tell us about his discoveries.

Love his horsey bouner

his foot actually doesn't fit this

cutie in his little hoody outfit

Monday, October 5, 2009

Fun with Aiden

Today Aiden came to spend the morning with Aaron and I. Andi had a doctor's appointment in Murfreesboro, so Aiden came over to play. Aaron loved watching Aiden run around playing with all of his toys and Aiden seemed to have a lot of fun playing with Aaron's toys. My house was a mess about 5min after Aiden got there, but it was so cute to see Aiden exploring around my house. He absoutely LOVES playing in my tupperware drawer. I have to say though that having a 1 year old and 4 month old was no piece of cake! Enjoy the pictures.

Aaron read while Aiden ate lunch (thanks Grandmama Gigi for the book)

Aiden loved Aaron's counting book

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fall! Birthday! Family!

This weekend Mom, Dad, Elayna and Gloria all came and stayed Friday night with us. Friday was my mom's birthday so Rachel came too for the evening to celebrate. I made a cake and we had a little party together! It was fun, but definitely confirmed to myself that I am not the world's best party thrower. The candles didn't really look like the numbers they were supposed to, the decorations fell down right before the party, and I forgot to wrap the presents. It was last minute planning...another bad thing, but it's a good excuse in my book for NOTHING being very put together. But mom seemed happy we were together and loved her presents (most of them for her new cabin).
It was such a beautiful fall day! The sun was warm and the breeze was just enough to have to wear a light jacket. Good day for a photo shoot with a sweet little boy who is 4 months old today!

Balla, O-Pa, Cousin Elayna and Aaron

All of daddy's fencing materials (and helper)

climbing a tree

beautiful day, beautiful flowers, VERY beautiful kiddo