Rain or shine...we will work on the fence and get it done. Well today it was cold, wet, and depressing. Guess what we did....worked on the fence. At this point of our fence building I have become numb when it comes to my emotions when Mark says he wants to work on it. Some day we will have a beautiful FINISHED fence with beautiful horses to look at outside my back door. On another note, I have to say a big THANK YOU to Lance and Donna Askins who were so awesome to keep my child and Aiden last night so that Mark and I and Joel and Andi went to O'Charleys to eat for dinner. It was so wonderful to sit and eat (and laugh a lot) without worrying if your child will behave so you can choke your food down in 5min. We love Joel and Andi and really enjoyed our time together. Andrea and I went earlier that day to Murfreesboro to shop for winter clothes...I actually bought some clothes for Aaron! He was quickly growing out of his current wardrobe and needed some pants really bad. I also found some socks (size 6mo.+). Although today was a 'work on the fence day,' I really did enjoy being at home with my husband and baby. It is the first weekend in a VERY long time that it has just been the 3 of us and I really loved it. Visitors are so fun and we love it, but I didn't realize that our weekends have always been full of people coming to visit or us going home. The change was nice.
P.S. The random picture of Aaron was a filler...I didn't take a current picture of the fence. Don't worry...we have plenty of time to take one.
I can't wait to see a FINISHED fence. :) Just think, when we actually are home next year it will be done... I hope.
I want to go to O'Charlie's without any babies. Can you hear the whining in my voice?
Poor Megan!! We'll take you when you come home on a triple date!! Marlee, you forgot to tell everyone about how I ran in the rain to get the car and saved you and Aaron from getting wet. I looked like I had been in the shower and Diane & Aaron didn't even have a drop on them. That is a true friend!! :-) Love you!!
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