What a sweet, sweet, sweet baby I have. I just love this child of mine. Today I went to Nashville to meet Jenny, Aunt Rachel (Jenny's sister), Lori, Weston, Barbara, and Felicity, oh yea and uncle Jim was there for a while too! We spent the ENTIRE day shopping all over Nashville. My wonderful child just happily went wherever his mother took him. Never made a peep, slept whenever he needed a quick nap, and smiled at whoever gave him attention, but really was happy to just be along for the ride. What more can you ask for from a little boy?

Baby Ace (as Weston says) with a very happy grandmamma
alright...are you ready for this next announcement....maybe you should sit down. Are you sitting? The fence is done....AND....WE HAVE HORSES! Yes, I love looking out my any and all of my windows and see horses! So here they are, for your viewing pleasure. I would love to give you their names...but they don't have any. Open for suggestions.
I LOVE seeing your horses. Ana was reading a book with horses a couple of nights ago, and she said, "I want to ride a horse." I told her that she would when we went home to see Mark and Marlee. :) Don't let me down.
Sweet boy. You have to love those days when the child is in total cooperation. So no separation-anxiety on this trip? Awesome. I know you had a good time. Don't you love not having to work. ;)
I'm happy for you that Aaron was cooperative on this trip. Yay!! I'm going to think of some horse names for you... I asked Aiden and of course he just said "Ball." Ha.
Sometimes I can't believe how old he has gotten already! The horses are cute. I'm thinking "Red" for the red one and "Spot" for the spotted one! :)
Hey, this is a belated comment! I noticed on your Halloween trunk or treat post that you talked about going "before Bible class" instead of "before church." Did we brainwash you during our short little summer together?? Nathan will be so pleased. :) Miss you guys!
I can't believe how much personality Aaron has now! It was great seeing yall tonight. Horse names: Spot and Sor.
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