2 very awesome UK fans
This weekend was kinda a random weekend. Aaron has started really eating a lot of different things now. He has tried squash, rice cereal, and oatmeal. He seems to like all of those, which makes me happy because I was afraid he would be like his daddy and be picky. So far we have a very good eater. Rachel also came to visit this weekend. She is such a big help while she is here...it's so great! It's like having a whole other me with me. She even let Mark and I work with the horses on Saturday afternoon for a while during the baby's nap and meltdown because he needed to nap more. Sunday Everette Hufford (hopefully I got that right) spoke during worship. I love this time our elders have used while we are looking for a new preacher to get different men in to speak to us. I am so challenged with every different speaker! I also made out our Christmas cards this afternoon. Hopefully I will get them out this week. I have never done this before, but figured it was a good year to start with a new baby and all. This afternoon we are watching football (yuck!), playing with Aaron, going over to Steve and Margaret's to help put their tree up (they need someone tall to help with the last part), eating with small group at 5pm and then off to the building to watch the Christmas play put on by the kids in the church. Busy busy! Unfortunately we have to say good bye to Aunt Rachel, but just for a week. We'll see her again at the end of the week! Now it's off to make homemade hot chocolate and watch tv. I love winter time!
Oh my word. That picture of him before the game is one of the sweetest ones I have seen yet. It might have been random, but your weekend sounded like a blast. So is the tree up? What would they do without you guys? I am sure I will hear all about it very soon.
Happy winter. Enjoy the hot chocolate IN the cold for me.
P.S. Sheree commented today that we have perfect weather here. I told her "yeah, we do." But perfect weather gets old after awhile. I miss me some cold weather.
Yeah for random weekends! I think UK won because they knew Aaron and I were watching :) We definitely cheered the loudest!!!
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