Thursday, February 25, 2010


Tonite was Aaron's first time to eat spaghetti. He wasn't able to pick it up very well by himself, so I fed him. But he LOVED it. I am slowly trying to stop buying/feeding so much baby food and just having him eat what we eat most of the time. Everytime I would put a bite in his mouth he would sign 'more,' and leaning forward to make sure I was getting another bite ready. He ate an entire bowl full of spaghetti. We enjoyed our dinner!

These next two pictures are random...but too cute for me to pass up when I was looking through my more recent pictures. Just thought I would share....

So ticklish under his chin

He still has to grow into those ears...I can't help but see Dado

Monday, February 22, 2010

First UK game

Saturday, we went to watch UK vs Vandy. Joel and Andrea invited us to go with them, since they have season Vandy tickets, and they know we LOVE UK. So even though we are friends...we were close to enemies at this game. But then back to friends when it was over! My sister and Mark's parents met us there too and we all went out afterwards. This was Aaron's first UK game. We were so excited to take him, but a little nervous that he wouldn't like it. He LOVED it. He didn't fuss at all, and actually seemed to enjoy watching the players and the ball. Here are some pictures!

Aunt Rachel and Aaron -Happy UK won!

Grandmommy Gigi is really funny!

LOVED riding on daddy's shoulders!

walking to the UK game as a family!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Song Leader

This morning I put on the dvd that Aaron got for Christmas. Aaron has always LOVED singing. So this morning when I put on the dvd, I wasn't shocked that he started dancing to the songs. He was glued to the TV. His favorite seems to be Old MacDonald. We laughed so hard because when he hears the song come on, he starts waving his arms in the air like he is leading the song. So I figure we have a future song leader. He is definitely getting good practice.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Adams' Horses

I can't believe his feet reach! At my Melber baby shower I was given one of the sweetest gifts EVER....a little rocking horse that all of the Adams' grandkids have had. Linda repainted it and all of the grandkids wrote their names on the bottom along with 'Adams' Horses 2009' written on the side. So thoughtful and precious. It's something that I can't wait to pass on to the next grandchild.

For now, I have a feeling that we are going to get good use out of this little rocking horse. Aaron loves it. He just stared down at it the whole time he was riding it. I couldn't stop laughing.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pull ups

This morning I was checking my email and Aaron was playing quietly on the floor. All of a sudden I caught something out of the corner of my eye....I looked over and saw this....

That's right folks...we are officially trying to pull up on our own. He didn't ever quite get up by himself, but got awful close. So many fun things to come. Maybe I should baby proof my house now.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

New family member

So today, Mark and I went to the local animal shelter and rescued a puppy. It took only a few minutes to decide once we saw this little guy in his cage. He is a 6 month old chocolate lab mutt mix and VERY sweet. He loves Aaron and is very far. And of course, Aaron loves him too. The only problem we have is that we have NO NAME. We are thinking Copper, but not for sure..any suggestions?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Taylor Grace

Today Mark and I went to Nashville for the birth of the newest little cousin, Taylor Grace Willeford. She was born about 1:00pm and is just perfect. She has A LOT of hair, pretty blonde hair. We were able to see Taylor, Lori, Josh and a lot of other family who showed up for the big event. Weston was able to go see his new little sister this evening too and from what I hear was very sweet. I can't wait to see some family pictures. Here are a few that I took at the hospital.

Taylor Grace Willeford

Daddy's touch made her stop crying

Part of 'the fam' waiting to see the new baby

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I have been working with Aaron for the past several months on signing. I have tried the sign for 'thank you' for longer than that, but he wasn't even trying to get it, so I moved on. Over the past several days he has started signing 'more.' He is starting to do it more on command now...which is a step up from just doing it at random times before. So here you go...Aaron is signing 'more.'

The send off

Last night we got to meet Rachel Steele. She is leaving next Monday to go join Team Arequipa in Peru for 2 years. She ate dinner with a lot of the church and then we had a prayer to send her off. I took some pictures of her visit. I hope and pray that Arequipa greets her well and that she can really be used by God to show the people of Arequipa His plan for them. She seems very excited and I really liked getting to talk with her and learning about her desire for missions. Here she comes Team Arequipa!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy 8 months Aaron

Today my precious little, newborn boy is 8 whole months old. Time is going by so fast. 9 month pictures are just around the! So here are a few new things about little Aaron...

1. He is taking steps (with a lot of help). He tries to pull up on things, but still isn't quite strong enough to do it on his own.
2. Sits by himself very solidly. He can go from a sitting position to his belly without help. Once on his belly he proceeds to push with his hands and is able to slide on his belly around he floor. It's pretty funny to watch.
3. He can sign the word 'more' now. He doesn't do it on command, but will randomly look up at me and sign 'more.' Sometimes he gets so excited that he is signing it his eyes get really big and he squeals really loud.
4. He waves 'hi'.
5. Sleep hasn't changed much. He takes 2-3 naps a day and sleeps until 4-5am before waking up to eat. We wish to improve this situation. We are attempting to figure out the 2 nap thing.
6. He LOVES his daddy. His whole body bounces when Mark gets home from work.
7. He hasn't gotten kicked out of bible class in about a month...definitely progress!
8. He still seems to have some stranger anxiety, but doesn't break down when someone looks at him like he did a few months ago.
9. Eats almost ANYTHING. He can eat his weight in potatoes (sweet potatoes, mashed, baked..whatever!)
10. Still won't take a bottle...he drank a few ounces once, but that's it.
11. Drinks pretty well from a sippy cup (it's has nubby one I don't think it technically counts)

He is my favorite little boy in the whole world. I pray God uses him well!