Today my precious little, newborn boy is 8 whole months old. Time is going by so fast. 9 month pictures are just around the corner...wow! So here are a few new things about little Aaron...
1. He is taking steps (with a lot of help). He tries to pull up on things, but still isn't quite strong enough to do it on his own.
2. Sits by himself very solidly. He can go from a sitting position to his belly without help. Once on his belly he proceeds to push with his hands and is able to slide on his belly around he floor. It's pretty funny to watch.
3. He can sign the word 'more' now. He doesn't do it on command, but will randomly look up at me and sign 'more.' Sometimes he gets so excited that he is signing it his eyes get really big and he squeals really loud.
4. He waves 'hi'.
5. Sleep hasn't changed much. He takes 2-3 naps a day and sleeps until 4-5am before waking up to eat. We wish to improve this situation. We are attempting to figure out the 2 nap thing.
6. He LOVES his daddy. His whole body bounces when Mark gets home from work.
7. He hasn't gotten kicked out of bible class in about a month...definitely progress!
8. He still seems to have some stranger anxiety, but doesn't break down when someone looks at him like he did a few months ago.
9. Eats almost ANYTHING. He can eat his weight in potatoes (sweet potatoes, mashed, baked..whatever!)
10. Still won't take a bottle...he drank a few ounces once, but that's it.
11. Drinks pretty well from a sippy cup (it's has nubby one though..so I don't think it technically counts)
He is my favorite little boy in the whole world. I pray God uses him well!
He also loves his Aunt Rachel. That is definitely a very important detail you left out! Just ask him!
And Aunt Andi!! :-) Such a cute sweet boy!!
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