Thursday, June 10, 2010

Back to work

These past 2 weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions for me. Not to mention that I feel like I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off....literally. I have gone back to work. It's only once a week (at the most), but still...a big change for me and Aaron both. Aunt Rachel came down to watch Aaron for me while I worked this week so I felt good enough to work 2 days (not something that will happen much at all). I am having a great time back at work. I love the stimulation and challenge. At the same time, when I get home I feel like I have missed SO much of what has happened with Aaron. So I am glad I only HAVE to work once a month. Raich and Aaron came to each lunch with me both that was great.

On another note. Actually, several other notes. my son is SO cute. He's growing up right before our eyes. I can't believe he's 1 yr. old now. He is comprehending so much right now. Here is what is up right now:

  • Can stand on his own without too much trouble.
  • He takes 2 and 3 steps a lot now, but not when you try to make him.
  • He can climb on and off of things like his rocket toy or his little car.
  • He says 'hi' and 'bye' pretty much when he is asked and in the appropriate situation
  • He identifies his head when asked "Aaron, where is your head?" He pats his head.
  • "strong baby" is his favorite thing to show people
  • He signs 'all done' and 'drink' pretty frequently.
  • He definitely understands what the word 'no' means. His first spanking happened just recently.
  • Still loves vanilla wafers and apple Jacks (we call them Jack Jack's cuz that's what it sounds like he calls them).
  • he still really likes balls....especially to throw them.
Last note: Mark has been gone for almost 2 weeks. We REALLY miss him. He and his dad are seeing a lot of really cool bear, moose, bald eagles...I'm jealous. They called today and said they are only 300 miles from Anchorage. That means they should be there when we arrive on Saturday evening. I am SO ready to see him. I'm ready to see Alaska too! Hopefully I will be able to blog while we are there. So, off we go.


Jenny said...

a spanking? I'm on my way to get him! How cute is that picture? And how perfect to have Rachel there to help.

Joel and Andrea said...

Very cute picture!! Glad work is going well and glad Rachel got to be with Aaron. Hope you guys have a fabulous time in Alaska. Oh.... and I think we'll need at least a week of besty days when you return.... I'm feeling very deprived of my besty. :-(

Megan said...

Great post! I love reading all that is going on with Aaron. He sounds like he has grown so much since we saw him.

I am happy to hear that you finally did it--went back to work. I know you have missed it, but I am thankful that Aaron has a mommy that missed him terribly when she is at work. Thank goodness for great aunts.

I am so excited for your trip. Be sure to find out what restaurants we need to go to when we go on our Alaskan cruise. (You know, when they let us off the ship to tour the land). :) I am going to try and call you today. I am not sure when you fly out...