***WARNING - this is a long post***
Life for the Adams has been busy busy busy the last month or so. I wish I could say that is seems to be slowing down, but quite the opposite is happening. For the past 2 weeks we have had something every night of the week. I really like this (for the most part) because I feel like relationships are becoming deeper and new relationships are being formed. We are finding more and more ways to participate in God's mission. Growing and growing in ways that we never thought possible. Part of me is just worn out though. I would say that we need to take a trip to get away, but I think that's part of the problem....we have been gone pretty much all summer. Maybe the solution is to just STAY home for a while and let things settle down. here's a little update.
I am still working once a week. I love it. It's a great break for everyone involved. I am enjoying being able to use the talent that God has given me to be a nurse and help those who need it. My friend, Megan, recently wrote an article about God being a God of the broken. I truly believe that and love that I am able to do His work to help those who are broken physically.
My prayer group is still meeting every other Thursday. I love the friendships that are growing deeper and deeper. I love growing together and cannot even express how much of a blessing they are to me. I can honestly say that this group fills such a hole in my life that I didn't even know needed filling. God is gracious and knows what we need more than we do.
One new thing that Mark and I are participating in is a parenting class that has started at one of the elementary schools in town. Mark was a volunteer basketball coach last year for this school and we feel a special call to help whenever there is an opportunity there. We are actually being the 'babysitters' for the parents who are attending the class. We have had the same kids each week and are enjoying spending time with them and talking with the parents. A meal is provided and 2 sessions of parenting classes are given.
Another new 'event' is that I am teaching another Wednesday night ladies class this fall. This class is on Spiritual Disciplines. I am so excited about this subject, which is really important because unless I am extremely passionate about a subject, it's hard to be motivated to teach and study. One reason I'm excited about it is because one of my friends, Jenny Nichols, is going to be a co-teacher. I am thrilled that she is stepping outside her comfort zone to do this with me because she has so much to offer. We have been studying together for 5 or so weeks prior to the class. My life has truly been enriched by her passion and willingness to just jump in head first to something that can be so intimidating.
Besdies all of this, my son is just growing more and more each day. He never stops talking OR running. These days I have really learned to appreciate family. We are trying to spend as much time with both sets of grandparents. He can identify all 4 grandparents in photos and when we are with them. Aaron is just OBSESSED with Mark's dad. The two are inseparable when they are together. He is also just drawn to men in general. I totally understand why it is so important for little boys to spend time with people their same gender, especially daddies and granddaddies. Their influence is unlike any other.
So many other things to mention, but of course this post is too long already. Please keep all of the above in your prayers. Our prayers from long ago, to realize God's will for us in Tullahoma, is starting to be revealed slowly and surely. We pray that we can be used effectively.
I love you friend. :-)
So I loved this post. You make me smile. It sounds like so many great things are going on. I think of you often and hope we can talk soon. I am so excited for your upcoming class and hope that I can witness it by the end of the year (???).
Can't wait to Skype.
Oh, and I love that you are not too busy to read the latest newsletter. You are such great people.
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