So tomorrow Aaron is 18 months old. Where has the time gone???!! So before the new 'list' of what Aaron does now; here is a picture to compare from last year.

Last Thanksgiving at Aunt Sarah's house
(6mo. old)

Thanksgiving 2010 - 18 mo.
Here is what you are up to Aaron:
-You are talking up a storm. Putting words together some to get your point across better. Your favorite words right now are: "niiiiccceee," "GOAL!!!" and "NO!"
-You have started asking to go 'pee-pee' in the potty all by yourself...and you go some of the time! We are wondering what this means for potty training...hmmm. Do children usually teach themselves to use the potty???
-You LOVE attention. As long as people are paying attention to you, you put on a show. And it's super cute - which you are aware of.
- 'dramatic' is a perfect descriptor when it comes to how you express yourself...everything is a big deal.
-Dancing is one of your favorite things to do. Anything having to do with music you're always up for. This includes worship!
-You still take 2 naps most days.
-Your best friends are Elijah 'Yi Yi' and Aiden "Ne Ne". You pray for them every night.
-There is nothing better than riding a horse (ho ho). Dusty and Pepper were your first
horses you knew well. Dusty was your favorite. There is nothing sweeter than watching you and your daddy on a horse together.
-Time outs and spankings happen often, but you are not too strong willed....mommy is thankful!
-favorite food is a P.B.J. "jay jay" and of course Jack Jack's. Let's not forget cookies 'too tees' too.
-you are learning to jump
-Elmo is your favorite DVD to watch
-your Papa is your favorite person EVER. you are inseparable from him when you are together.
-You love to play basketball with daddy and say 'GOAL!'
-Favorite books are 'Jesus,' 'George' and "Chaco.'
-You LOVE your Aunt Rachel (Ra Ra) and 'call' her non-stop on the phone.
Aaron, you are a very passionate and smart little boy. A true joy to be around. We love you very much and can't wait to see what the next 18months will bring.