Playing in my mom's mop bucket

Bala reading to Aaron

He wanted to hold Cora non-stop

Playing with Papa

New Tiger sleeping bag from Gig and Papa
- he pretended to go 'nigh nigh'

LOVED helping Uncle Luke open his gifts

a toy that was in his stocking

new cousin Isaac Matthew
(A new family of 4)
Just a few pictures of our Christmas 2010. This is Aaron's 2nd Christmas, so he was a little more aware of the tree and lights and presents. He LOVED helping tear the wrapping paper on the gifts and helping other people open their gifts. We had a great time in Melber. Family was great and Aaron loved getting them all to give him chocolate non-stop. He sure does have a sweet tooth. On our way home we stopped to see my new nephew Isaac Matthew Phillips. My brother and sister-in-law had their 2nd little boy. He's precious. Everyone is healthy and happy. I can't wait to see him again.
Those pictures are really good. You did a good job of getting a variety! :) The one of Aaron trying to hold Cora is hilarious! Almost as cute as his tiger sleeping bag. :)
We had such a great time visiting! Since it was an actual visit! not a here's-your-present-we-gotta-go. Can't wait to get all the cousins together.
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