Aaron has decided very recently that he likes to swim. The night before we left for Kentucky we were at a friends surprise party which was also a pool party (mostly for the kids who came). I didn't bring swimsuits for us because Aaron never wants to swim when given the opportunity and doesn't like to be in a crowd of noisy kids...so I thought the combination of noisy, wet, and swimming wouldn't mix well. I just figured he could play with other toys. Of course I was WRONG! He begged, pleaded, and finally resorted to just staring through the iron fence real pitful like at the other kids swimming. Mark finally borrowed some shorts from our friend and a swim diaper for Aaron. He was a little apprehensive when he first got in but before we knew it he was jumping off the side to Mark. UNBELIEVABLE! I mean seriously my son normally HATES to have his hair and face wet. I guess being 2 years old allows you to change your likes and dislikes quickly. So yesterday when we told Aaron we were going to Kentucky (for Kelsy's wedding - which was beautiful by the way)
he asked to swim in Gigi's pool. Of course he did! He is now OBSESSED with getting in the float for little kids and kicking his little legs as hard as they will go until he is forced to get out. It's the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Gigi even let him swim right after church this morning before lunch. When I saw him at lunch he was sure to tell me that he got on the diving board and "jumped' to his Papa (aka - Gigi let him down easy into the water where Papa was waiting). Cutest kid EVER!
First of all, I wish you would start taking pictures that are cuter. Jeesh! Secondly, he's REALLY cute.
I can't take credit for that one. Jenny is the picture taker of the family...thank goodness or we wouldn't have many pictures.
And where did you get a swim floatie? I've searched high and low and will probably just end up ordering off ebay if I don't find something soon.
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