a real pro at trick-or-treating this year

all ready to go

Luke and Aaron
(neither wanted their picture taken)

forced to put his hood on...
note the holding down of the arms by mark
This year we went to the Muse household for trick-or-treating. Our neighborhood isn't exactly made for trick-or-treating...so they were gracious to let us use theirs. It was really fun and Aaron hasn't stopped talking about going trick-or-treating since. He even included that in our prayer tonite at dinner, very thankful to God for letting us go trick-or-treating. I was able to snap a few pictures although it's difficult when your child won't stand still long enough for a good picture or put his hood up on his costume...so I took what I could get. enjoy!
Very cute. Elayna would be extremely jealous of Aaron's costume. Can't wait to see yall again.
cutest little dinosaur I have ever seen. And knowing what I do about T-town, you chose a GREAT neighborhood. :-)
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