So today was a big day at the Adams house! Today is Aaron's first day of school..well preschool. He has been looking forward to this day for over a month and woke up this morning telling Mark, Raich, and I that it was his 'first day of cool.' He did great until we drove up to his school...then he cried...hard. It broke my heart to see him crying like that and insecure, but I just hugged him and told him I loved him and I would be back, and then left. I tried hard to not be one of those mom's that calls to check on their kid cuz he's crying, but I couldn't help it. I was very happy to find out that he was playing happily. We'll see what he says when I get him after school!
In other news....I had an ultrasound this morning. Baby looks great and everything looks to be right on target growth and development. ALSO....we found out we are having a BOY!!! Another boy! We couldn't be more excited and can't wait to see his little face in person and not on a computer screen.
Yay for a boy and ANOTHER BOY! :-) What a perfect day for all. :-) I'm so glad I get to another boy to love!
There is the backpack pic. :-) Let us know how it went. Maggie loved school. AND we are on day 5 of potty training with only 1 accident. :-) (She can't start back to school in March unless she is potty-trained. Congrats on the boy. I know you guys are thrilled.
So exciting!!! For Aaron and for new baby boy!! Love you guys... and both your boys!! :-)
What a cute little school boy! And he will have a baby brother soon! So great!
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