Thursday, June 28, 2012
Corban is 6 weeks!
Has it already been 6 weeks?!?!? Seriously time has FLOWN by. I'm starting to get the hang of this whole 'having two' kiddos now. Don't get me wrong, the 'stressed out' mode can come on quickly, but I enjoying having my TWO boys:) Not much has changed since I blogged at 1 month but here are a few things....
-you sleep from 9pm-2am before you get up to eat and then up again at 5am to eat and usually are up to start your morning around 6:30ish. Not too bad on your mom but I am definitely looking forward to more restful nights.
-we started the sleep program this are doing pretty well. I can already tell that it's going to be easier than with your brother.
-you started smiling at 5 weeks and are getting more and more generous about giving them out!
-Your hair cracks me up. It is very bare at the very top and you have a lot more in the back. Never knew a baby could have a receding hair line.
-You love it when I sing to you.
-You have reflux. At 2 weeks Dr. Bard stared you on Zantac which seems to have helped some, but it's still frustrating to change your clothes 3 or 4 times a day because you have spit up or thrown up on it so many times.
-I am still giving you a bottle every few days. You take it 'ok' but definitely prefer to nurse. You will take about over 3oz.
-Your brother is so sweet to you and helpful. He is willing to do whatever it takes to make you happy and always wants to kiss you and talk 'baby talk' to you. I can't wait to see you smile at him. It will make his day:)
Sweet baby boy of mine you are A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E! I am enjoying watching you change on a daily basis, literally. God is great and has blessed us with a healthy baby boy.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
First swim of the summer
Last Saturday we took Aaron for his first swim of the summer. It took him a few minutes to get in, but once he did we couldn't get him out. I am still not able to get in the pool since having Corban so Ra Ra swam with Aaron, and Corban and I were the cheerleaders. Aaron would jump in the water to Rachel and then get out and yell, "Ta Da." "Did you see that mom?" So much fun.

Saturday, June 16, 2012
Corban 1 month
It's already been a whole month since Corban was born...seriously seems like just yesterday we were at the hospital. Here is what I want to remember about you:)
-You are an easy baby for the most part. Other than some reflux, this mama can't complain.
-You sleep in your swing because you have reflux...your brother did too, so it's not a new thing to us. Dr. Bard started you on Zantac. It isn't helping as much as I would have liked.
-You won't take a pacifier very well. I have mixed feelings about this. We had a bad experience with a paci with Aaron and the sleep program doesn't allow it when going to I am not sure if I should keep pushing it.
-You eat about every 3 hours. We are giving you a bottle every few days. You take it pretty well but still LOVE to nurse. You eat about 3 oz.
-You cat nap in the mornings and usually take a really long nap that lasts most of the afternoon and evening. I am very thankful for this because it's when Aaron sleeps too. Nice break for mama:) At night you go to sleep about 9pm and get up to eat every 3-4 hours and then go straight back to sleep.
-You are already trying to try to roll over. You get all the way to your side most times and have gotten to to your belly once.
-This morning you started smiling at me. love this!
-You love your bath.
-You are really good at holding you head up. Still wabbly, but getting stronger!
-I have learned that sometimes when you are fussy and I can't calm you down, you want to be put down and left alone. This is opposite from your brother who wanted to be held nonstop and never wanted to be put down. You have started laying on the play mat already for about 20min or more at a time. Aaron loves to lay next to you and watch you play. You turn your head toward him when he talks to you.
-Your Ra Ra has been here almost the entire time. Mama is so grateful. Especially since daddy left for Peru a few days ago.
Love you sweet boy!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Big boy
Aaron has decided that he likes to ride by himself now. This is not something that I am quite ready for. Mark has started letting him ride alone while he leads the horse after they are done riding and walking back to the barn. Aaron thinks he's big stuff. He has already asked if he can ride by himself at the trail ride this It's still cute and I love how brave and proud of himself he is.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Today was my first day by myself with the 2 kids. I say that like I am the first person to take on this task of 2 children alone for the day....ha! It has been a good day. Poor Aaron has had some adjustment to make because he doesn't have another person here to snuggle with or give him individual attention whenever he needs it at the very moment he needs it. That's fun. He still loves his little brother though and is learning how to share attention the best he can. Andi was kind enough to bring us lunch today and visit for a while so it broke up the day some and gave Aaron a distraction until nap time:) Despite the extreme sleepiness and time management struggle I really am enjoying having two kids. I love watching Aaron try and play with Corban and love even more noticing that whenever Corban hears Aaron close to him he immediately turns his head toward Aaron. Love! Just have to pray for sleep to come soon...until then...lots of coffee will be had:)
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Three Years Old!!!
Happy 3rd Birthday Aaron:) Yay for being three years old!!! I can't believe it. How can three years have gone by this quickly? We are so proud of you. What a blessing you are. This year you have become a big brother. We are having a party at our house with just family because your little brother is only a few weeks old. Here is what you are up to these days...
-You are so energetic right now. Anything that involves running, jumping, swinging, screaming, or acting just plain're in!
-You have this crazy obsession with animals. It started before Xmas when Gigi got you a little bag of toy animals and things just went CRAZY from there. You just keep getting more and more of them. They go everywhere with you and do everything with you. The Dinosaurs are your favorite.
-You love your baby brother so much. We actually have to make sure you don't 'love him too much.' I am so proud of the way you have accepted him. You are always concerned about him when he cries and ask to hold him all the time. I can't wait to see you two grow up together:)
-You are constantly cracking us up. You say the funniest things so innocently. Your daddy and I find ourselves lying in bed at night telling each other what funny things you said that day. Just yesterday you asked us if we could 'take off your eye bone." Apparently you thought it wasn't a necessary part of your body.
-Your smile is one of my most favorite things about you.
-You are a sweet-a-holic. You are sure to inform us that you 'need' another sucker/m&m/cookie etc. about 100 times a day.
-You are ALL boy. Kicking, punching, throwing and anything else involving being destructive is the name of the game. I think we will enroll you in karate.
-Favorite sport right now is soccer. You and your daddy go on a walk almost every night and your soccer ball (and an animal) must attend. You practice dribbling the soccer ball with daddy. You really like to run. We hike all the time (another favorite) and you run almost the entire hike.
-If you aren't running, you are riding your tricycle. You pedal so fast your feet come off the pedals. You and daddy 'ride bikes' all the time. RaRa is getting you your first bike for your birthday...I can't wait to see your face when you see it.
-You have just completed your first semester of school. You cried most days when I dropped you off, but always had a smile when I picked you up and told me how much fun you had. I am excited to see how you do in the fall in the 3 year old class.
-I love your creativity right now. Pretending is a new stage, and it's so much fun to listen to. Of course the animals are the biggest players here...see above bullets about animals and being funny.
-You still LOVE music and seem to have a talent for learning songs very easily. Daddy teaches you a new song and memory verse almost every night. Your newest favorite group to listen to is the Beach Boys. Other favorites are: The Oak Ridge Boys and any worship song. I found you singing "O Victory in Jesus" the other day...I didn't even know you knew that song. You still love worship and sing as loud as you can if you know the song.
-You are getting taller and taller...and your waist line is not really growing...gonna be like daddy.
-You are a very compassionate kid. Any time someone is hurt or upset you are very concerned and try to comfort them. This also means you are very sensitive and get your feelings hurt pretty easily.
-You are very positive and always willing to 'keep trying' if you can't achieve something...I love this about you.
-People really seem to like being around you and you love to talk to people...sometimes too much.
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