Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Today was my first day by myself with the 2 kids. I say that like I am the first person to take on this task of 2 children alone for the day....ha! It has been a good day. Poor Aaron has had some adjustment to make because he doesn't have another person here to snuggle with or give him individual attention whenever he needs it at the very moment he needs it. That's fun. He still loves his little brother though and is learning how to share attention the best he can. Andi was kind enough to bring us lunch today and visit for a while so it broke up the day some and gave Aaron a distraction until nap time:) Despite the extreme sleepiness and time management struggle I really am enjoying having two kids. I love watching Aaron try and play with Corban and love even more noticing that whenever Corban hears Aaron close to him he immediately turns his head toward Aaron. Love! Just have to pray for sleep to come soon...until then...lots of coffee will be had:)

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