We made it to 9 months Corbs:)
-As usual, you are an easy baby. Although right now you are going through the 'never put me down' phase.
-If you are unhappy about something you are quick to voice how you feel in a loud scream or screech. No one gave you the memo that we are not a family that screams. It doesn't happen often, but when it does it's pretty obnoxious.
-Nicknames: Corb(s), Corby little warbs.
-You have started crawling. You are getting faster every day and seem to be much more content now that your world has opened up. I am having to re-adjust to you being more mobile though. I have even lowered your crib because you are starting to pull up some.
-You nurse 2 times a day and eat when we eat our meals. You still just have 2 teeth but are learning how to chew pretty well. I can feed you most soft things in small bites. Favorite foods: yogurt, spaghetti, graham crackers, puffs, vanilla wafers, potatoes, mac and cheese. You basically eat a ton of stuff and aren't too picky.
-You are in 9 month and some 12mo clothes now. Your cheeks are very pinchable:) You weigh 18 1/2 lbs and are over 28inches long.
-You take 2 naps a day. One around 9am for about an hour and the other between 1-2pm for a few hours. You are attached to Nuzzy for sure for sleeping. You normally wake up between 6 and 7am.
-I have gone back to work (again) this month and you are staying with Jesica Crowe. She is really great with you and you don't cry when I leave you...this make a mama happy:)
-You are a daddy's boy. If daddy is around, you prefer him. Your daddy LOVES this. So does a mama.
-My favorite thing you do right now is follow your brother around while he plays. You know where his room is and if you know he's in there you will go in there and play 'with' him. Most of the time this results in you screaming because he is trying to shove you in the closet to play with him, but you will both play in there for a good 20-30min before I have to intervene. Big brothers are awesome to play with:)
-You are saying 'ma-ma' 'da-da' 'ba ba' and many other sounds. You clap your hands and throw them in the air when you hear music. This cracks us up, especially when we sing "If you're happy and you know it."
-You wave hi and bye and put your arms above your head when we say "praise the Lord!"
-You scrunch your nose up when you smile...just like your mama! Most people say you look just like me, especially the nose scrunching thing. It IS pretty adorable.
What if you were almost 1 year old Corban???!!! We sure do love you. Your smile is contagious. We are so thankful for the blessing your life has brought our family. Keep growing sweet boy!
1 comment:
I would like to point out that he KNOWS he RaRa, and when we talk on Skype, he says my name! :-) Just saying...
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