Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sis is 3 months!

Yep, that's right...Eden is 3 months old today!!! Spring is here (except for a few cold waves here and there) and we are so excited for this new season of life! Here is what I want to remember about you right now...

-You have such a sweet smile. Your whole mouth opens wide and your tongue comes straight out. I love it!
-You 'talk' to us all the time, are starting to reach for toys now, sitting in the bumbo, and can roll onto your side really well.
-Bala says you look just like my baby pictures. I love it!
-You love to watch your brothers play....until they land on you...then it's not so fun.
-You take a pacifier pretty well and are still taking a bottle perfectly. You have officially impressed your mama in these areas. Neither of your brothers would take either. I give you a bottle every morning when you wake up. You take 4 ounces.
-You sleep very well at night. Bedtime starts at 8pm and you wake up about 3 or 4am, eat and then go back to sleep til about 7 or 8am. Right now, you still sleep in the pack-n-play next to our bed.
-Naps are still not on a set routine. You are starting to take a long nap in the mornings pretty regularly. Other than that, you can stay up about 2 hours before needing another nap. To go to sleep I give you your pacifier and nuzzy and lay you in the bed and cover you with a blanket. You usually just go right to sleep.
-You are wearing 3 month clothes.
-last month you weighed almost 11 pounds...we will go for your 2 month shots soon and have you weighed again.
-I put you in the ergo the other day while we played outside. You did great and I am hopeful I can use it more and more!
-both boys call you 'sister.' If we ask Corban to say your name he says 'Ed-nen.' It's too cute!

Eden we are so glad you are here and have completed our family perfectly! Most importantly you are HEALTHY and for our family that is a huge blessing! Keep on growing sis!

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