Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cast is off!!!

Aaron got his cast off this morning. Dr. Figerola re-x-rayed the arm. New bone is growing and the arm is almost totally healed. Aaron did pretty well when they used the little saw to cut off the cast Only a little crying. I told him it sounded loud like Mommy's hair dryer and he called it a hair dryer from then on. Aaron had everyone in the office rolling because he was telling them that the hair dryer cut off his cast. Dr. Figerola said everything looked good, and for him to 'be careful' for the next few weeks...of course I immediately took him to the McDonald's's that for being careful! When we got home, I showed him the cast and he immediately tried to put it back on his left arm and when that didn't work, he tried to put it on his right arm. Then he just hugged it and handed it back. Everything is back to normal...for now.

giving his cast a hug

trying to put it back on his arm

trying it on the other arm...
it has to fit on one of them


Jenny said...

What if he loved his cast more?

Unknown said...

An engineer in the making. Your bala loves you

Unknown said...

An engineer in the making. Your bala loves you