Wednesday, November 28, 2012

PJ's, Pancakes, and Pillow fights!

This morning we spent the morning at the Abrahams house. We went in our PJ's (which Aaron was more than pumped about), ate pancakes, drank coffee (grown ups only), made a xmas craft, watched The Grinch and The Polar Express, and played pillow fight (Aaron's favorite part he said). It was a blast. Aaron talked about how much fun he had the whole way home.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Yay for firsts! This year is Corban's first Thanksgiving and my first time to host Thanksgiving at my house. I have been so excited for this day to come. I had the whole day planned out. We have always gone to Melber for Thanksgiving (well, all Holidays). We missed being with the Adams side of the family, but were excited to do something a little different. I was happy for a chance to feel like a real grown up. Let me tell you, I had my eyes opened to how much my mom and mother-in-law do to get things ready for holiday festivities like this one. Not only did I clean for 2 or 3 days straight in preparation, but the cost to feed a bunch of people for multiple days was much more than expected. It was SO worth all the time and money spent though. I can honestly say I appreciate those who do it every year (and sometimes more often than that). Next year I believe I will probably go back to not being a grown up:) Aaron and I even did a craft for each family as a gift for Thanksgiving. He loved it of course because it involved paint and construction paper...his FAVORITE past time. Mom, Dad and Raich got here Wednesday night late and Matt and Lori (and family) got here this morning. I started out making homemade cinnamon rolls this morning. They were a huge hit. I think it will be an annual tradition, but I am changing the icing part...not as good as I would have liked. Still yummy enough to have several cinnamon rolls for myself though. Lunch was really small. Followed by dinner at 5pm. We ate on my China (first time EVER), watched a movie together, loved on each others babies, took a walk, and cooked, cooked, cooked. Here is what we made:
Green Beans (from Mama's garden)
Sweet potatoes
Mashed potatoes
Chicken and Dressing
Cranberry sauce
Pecan Pie
Cherry Pie
Pumpkin Pie
Peanut Butter Pie

It was super scrupmtious and we have enough leftovers to feed us for about a week I think:) My house is a disaster but I wouldn't get up to clean it for the world right now. Love sitting in my living room being with my family. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! No shopping for this girl tomorrow....I'm staying in and playing with my kids.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sweet 6 month old boy!

Happy 6 months Corban! What if our sweet boy was half way to a year???? Well, he is. I think I have decided that 6 months is one of my favorite ages. He is fattening up and showing his little personality and I LOVE it:) Here is what the Corb is up to...

-I love how easy going you are. I have said this before and you are continuing to be an easy baby. You seem to love being around people and go places. This is a good thing because we seem to always be on the go. You are also happy to just play by yourself most of the time. As long as you don't need food, sleep, or a new diaper, you love to play in your bouncy horse/seat, or spinner toy thingy.
-You continue to love, love, love your daddy. If you hear his voice you immediately look around until you find him. He gets the biggest smiles and laughs from you. Aaron is a close second as your favorite person. I hope you both continue to love each other this much. He is so sweet to just let you grab and pull on him all the time.
-You roll over all the time and are working on sitting up by yourself. You still fall over quite a bit, but just this week I have noticed a significant improvement in your balance.
-You have officially entered the dreaded 'screaming' phase of life. Mark and I are not a fan of this phase. And it's even worse because Aaron is picking it up again because of your new phase and that is NOT ok. Explaining that you can do it but Aaron can't because he doesn't understand is not flying well.
-You have tried several different foods. Oatmeal is still your favorite. Daddy calls you a great white shark when he feeds you at dive for it. If you don't get it fast enough you reach your hand out and shove the spoon in your mouth yourself. Can you say impatient?

You have also tried green beans, pears, bananas, carrots, and sweet potatoes. So far you don't really like the carrots. Pears and bananas seem to be a favorite. You are chunking up too!!!
-You nurse 4 times a day on a regular schedule and I feed you one other food either at lunch or dinnertime when we eat as a family.
-Sleeping is a source of frustration right now. I have been holding out for you to just start sleeping through the night by yourself. It hasn't worked. In fact, it's getting much worse. You slept better at 10 weeks than you are now...little stinker. You are 6 months old now and I know you aren't that hungry in the night but just need help going back to sleep. So last night was night #1 to crack down on getting you to sleep through the night. It was tough and your daddy was sweet to help out. We made it, but you were up most of the night whining and crying off and on until about 4:30am and then went to sleep until 7am. It's hard for me to let you cry, especially when you are so persistent. But I know it's necessary and will be beneficial in the long run.
-Naps are much better. The 45min naps are slowly getting longer and I am SO excited about this. You take about an hour nap at 9am and then another nap after lunch and usually a 3rd nap about 5pm. I don't require a strict schedule to stick to, but I do like to have this mama is much happier and I think you are too:)
-You have the sweetest smile EVER! Those dimples just kill me.
-You love your nuzzy. Everytime I go check on you when you are down for a nap I find the nuzzy completely covering your face. I pull it down and you put it right back up there. I am no surprised at this because you loved your face covered to sleep from the time you were born. It's worrisome for a mama, but I know you can pull it off. Someday I will get a picture for your baby book.
-You have started to reach for us when we put our hands out to hold you:)
-You are in 6 month clothes now. I think you are cutest in your jammies:)

I am so excited for your first holiday season. This mama loves the holidays. This year I am even more excited because I am hosting Thanksgiving at our house for the first time ever. We will miss having our annual Thanksgiving in Melber with Mark's family for sure. But I am excited for the opportunity to host my family.

Corban it's hard to believe you have been apart of our family for only 6 months, and we can't imagine our family without you. Our new normal is perfect. You have added joy beyond measure and we love you.