Wednesday, May 23, 2012

First week

Tomorrow will be 1 week since we added Corban to our family:) Things have been pretty great. I have had a ton of help and am VERY grateful it's not going to stop for a while. Aaron is the sweetest big brother ever. So far we have seen little to no jealousy from him. He is constantly telling us how much he loves baby Corban and asking us if we love baby Corban too. Any time he cries Aaron runs to find something to make him feel better...usually one of his animals. So far Corban is a really good baby. He sleeps a lot and LOVES to nurse. We are trying to get him to take a pacifier, but so far are pretty unsuccessful. Sleeping at night is about what I expected. He sleeps about 2-3 hours at a time before waking up to eat, but is not as easy to keep asleep as he is during the day...hopefully this will change soon. I am pretty tired, but not too bad. I know there will be worse days though. For now, I am happy. Mark has taken off 3 days this week and has been the stay-at-home dad...this is a pretty big change for Aaron...and Mark too I think. It's been good for them though and I am so grateful that he took the time off. Mom will be here tonite which means Mark goes back to work tomorrow. I have really enjoyed having everyday be "saturday" around here with Mark home...but it's time for things to start getting back to normal I guess. Having Mark home has reminded me how much I love my husband. He has been very selfless and wonderful. Raich is coming Friday which will be nice. Aaron has asked about her everyday since she left last Sunday. So overall the first week has been really good. We are so thankful for a new healthy baby boy added to our family. Here is a picture of the boys. I got a good one of both of them:)


Joel and Andrea said...

Awww!!! Love!!

Unknown said...

2 very blessed boys. An even more blessed mom and dad