Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The best part of wakin' up....

Coffee. Coffee is pretty much the best beverage I have had the privilege to consume. This particular beverage is so high on my list of important things in my life that I have set aside special time every day when I can sit down and just enjoy time drinking my coffee. This morning was particularly enjoyable because I realized right when I was on my way to make my coffee that I was going to open a brand new package/box/bucket. Oh joy! There is nothing better than opening this brand new package and smelling that freshness. Sure the rest of the time it takes me to drink all the coffee you see here will smell great as it is brewing, HOWEVER it smells its best, freshest, most glorious the very first time it is opened and drunk.
The only bad part about my coffee experience is the fact that I cannot share it with the one person that is most important to husband. I do forgive him for his weaknesses most of the time, but I am really having a hard time with this one. He often refers anything other than water as poison. So as much as it hurts me husband, I will continue to poison my body with this delicious beverage.


Greg McKinzie said...

Is that Folgers . . . ?

gloria said...

Coffee's for the weak.

Joel and Andrea said...

You know... if you had a coffee grinder and used beans, you would have that freshness every morning. Sorry that Mark hates coffee, but at least you have me. Wish I could be there every morning with you and my coffee mug. Well... maybe you should come here since I have the grinder. :-)

Rachel said...

It is one of my favorite times in my morning. My kids even ask me if I've had my coffee when I am cranky in the mornings.

Mark said...

Coffee sucks

Greg McKinzie said...

Coffee is God's gift to the sleepy.

Folgers isn't actually coffee.