Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy 2 years!!!

I seriously cannot believe Aaron is TWO years old. I put a one year picture on here to show how much he's grown!

One year

Two years old

Here is what he is up to these days...

-Blonde hair is still very much abundant. Baba calls you 'toe head.' and 'cotton top.'
-Pretty much Type A personality. Very entertaining, dramatic, and loves to interact with pretty much anyone...unless they 'scare' him...then it's a dramatic getaway at any cost.
-TALKING non-stop. This child never stops talking. Pretty much full sentences now...and adds to his vocabulary every hour it seems. Cute sayings: "Over here," "over dere", "right dere," "uh-mon guys," "scared dat man, mom."
-he is very observant and is listening to EVERYTHING we say. He is repeating things that we didn't know he had ever heard or been taught. "oh be careful little mouth what you say" is becoming a VERY popular saying in our house these days.
-doing things himself. "no mama, felf." He is becoming very independent these days, but still wants to 'hold you,' frequently.
-he is VERY snuggly. Loves to sit and snuggle with his mama every morning after breakfast. I'm sure this won't last too much longer so I am cherishing every time he asks.
-He loves to be outside (that hasn't changed since birth). Favorite things are mowing on the 'big mower' with daddy and playing basketball and baseball with his daddy. He can hit the ball when we pitch it to him...GIFTED!
-"big tower Mama." Legos is his favorite inside activity. Never stops building towers.
-He is NOT a meat eater. PBJ's are a staple. Is still a great eater, just no meat. Except for chicken of course...which he gets from the Phillips side of the family.
-His understanding/comprehension is unbelieveable. Very smart and catches onto things quickly.
-He knows his ABC's and can count to 10.
-Still loves to sing and dance. Favorite songs are "Old MacDonald", "Jesus Loves the Little Children", and "Banjo on my Knee." "If you're happy and you know it," "ABC's," and the newest one is "Happy Birthday."
-Still loves horses and asks to ride all the time.
-Favorite people (other than Mark and I) are still his Papa and RaRa. His O'Pa is rising in the ranks though.
-Loves going to bible class with Ms. Yinya (Linda). Always comes out and tells us very enthusiastically that "Jesus is alive!" I'm sure they don't learn the exact same lesson every Sunday, but I guess that one stuck.
-This child LOVES babies! He will hold a baby until you take it away from him. The entire time he is taking in a high pitched voice and kissing the baby on its head. It's pretty cute.
-He is starting to pay attention to more detail to things. He is picky about which way the blocks are facing as he stacks them and does not hesitate to correct whoever is playing with him as to which way the blocks should be facing. It will be interesting to see how much more this will develop.

Aaron, your daddy and I love you so much. We have loved watching you grow for the past 2 years and are so excited for what God has planned for you as you grow into a young man. Your tender heart and loving nature are such a blessing to us and others. We cherish every little smile, giggle, hug, and kiss from you. You bring us so much joy!

Week in Melber

Here are some of the pictures from our week in Melber. We spent yesterday in the pool. Aaron is actually liking the water more this year (he wouldn't hardly get in last year). I stayed out WAY too long and now look like a tomato. Aloe is my friend. We leave Thursday morning for St. Louis. We will meet Mark and Jerry and go to the zoo for Aaron's B-day. We have been telling him that he will be 2 years old on Friday. Ever since then he is obsessed with singing "Happy Birthday dear Aaron." Super cute.

Aaron and his RaRa

Aaron and Baby "Tole"

kicking his feet in the pool

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Baba visits

Baba and Jerry made a quick trip to Tullahoma last night. They were able to pick Joann up in Nashville too! It was supposed to be a quick same day trip, but because of the storms back in Paducah, Baba ended up staying the night and Jerry left really late last night to get back home. He and Mark are leaving tonite to take a trailer load of horses to Idaho. Baba will ride back to Melber with Mark today. Aaron and I will stay here for a few days (because I have to work) and then go to Melber Saturday with Rachel for the week. The plan as of right now is to meet Mark and Jerry on Thur/Fri of next week in St. Louis for a birthday zoo trip (Aaron's 2nd). Aaron has never been to the zoo before, so we are excited for his first time. He's in LOVE with animals. Baba has spent the day with Aaron and I because Mark is working 1/2 a day today before they leave. We have enjoyed every second of her visit. I'm afraid Aaron has worn her out playing baseball/basketball/blocks and every other toy he has in his room. I was able to get a lot of things done this morning because my super snuggly boy had his normal snuggle time with his Baba this morning and watched Sesame Street. I normally cherish that time with him b/c I'm sure there will be a day when it doesn't happen, but sometimes it's nice to have a break!

playing puzzles

snuggling on the couch

playing bay balls with Papa!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

" I wanna play bay-balls mama"

Aaron has discovered his love for baseball, or 'bay-balls; as he calls it. He asks to play all day, every day. I got some super cute shots of him tonite. Mark made a little tee for him to use until we can get him one and to say he loves it is an understatement. There is a video on facebook of him actually hitting the ball without using the tee. Mark and I spent forever pitching it to him. He never got frustrated with him self. He just said "aww....miss!" I'm not sure who screamed louder when he actually hit it, Mark and I or Aaron. There was extreme celebration by everyone involved. I think Aaron would have stayed out there hitting the ball for the rest of the night.

Here is our little baseball player.

Learning to hit on the 'tee'

Daddy teaching Aaron about hitting the ball, not the tee

game face

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Thanks to Mark's Aunt and Uncle, Aaron now has a swing set to play on in our back yard - including a slide, which is the most important part right now. Last night while Mark and I continued to put it together, Aaron amused himself by going up and down the slide at least 100 times. I couldn't help but take a million pictures. He played so hard that he slept for almost 13 hours last night without a peep...I think we'll repeat again today. Enjoy this cute boy!