Sunday, July 15, 2012

Corban's first hike

Yesterday we took Corban on his first hike. He is 2 months old now and since it was a pretty day we decided to call some friends and go to Short Springs to hike down to Machine Falls. The Muse family and Joel and Liam joined us. It's a pretty short hike and Aaron LOVES to hike, especially if friends come. He always gets to throw rocks at the bottom of the water fall and climb on the rocks. I was excited to take Corban and see how he would do. He did pretty well. Slept most of the time in his little carrier. It was definitely a good work out for mama:) Everything went great and we had a lot of fun. The only bad part was when some very un-intelligent bees decided to have their hive right on the trail and Mark, Aaron, and Madeline very innocently stepped on it. Mark and Aaron were stung 3 times and Madeline was stung once. Hearing your child scream bloody murder when you can't get to them because are protecting your 2 month old is tough...and the downpour of rain immediately following it didn't help much. Thankfully we were right at the end of the hike and everyone recovered well. Everyone decided we would hike again.

1 comment:

Matt Phillips said...

btw... they were yellow jackets, not bees. Just say'in.