Saturday, August 18, 2012

Corban 3 months

Happy 3 months to Corban! As usual my statement is: Time is flying by SO FAST. You are changing so fast right now. Here what is going on in your world.
- You smile all the time and for almost everyone. Unlike your older brother, you don't care who holds you. - You love to be held facing more 'holding like a baby' for you. As long as you are facing so you can see everything you are good to go. -I have been sitting you in the bumbo for about 5-10min at a time. You seem to really like it, but can't hold your head upright for a long time without some support. -You really like to be sung to. I always sing "You're a handsome little boy and God loves you," song and as soon as I start the song you laugh out loud and raise your eye brows. Pretty sure you recognize the song:) - I have been doing the 'sleep program' with you since you were 6 weeks old. You are definitely not getting it as well as Aaron did at first, but this week you have been doing much better. You sleep in your crib. At night you sleep from 8 to about 3am without waking up and then are up again about 6 to eat and then up at 7-7:30 to start the morning. I am hoping this will change soon...mommy is ready for some 'all night' sleep. Naps are harder. You still don't have a very predictable schedule. Soon, hopefully. - I started back to work this month. I am only working twice a month so you stay with mommy's friends while I work and your brother is at school. It's an adjustment for all of us since I didn't go back to work with Aaron until he was a year old. - You are starting to grab at toys when you are laying on the play mat. You have found your hands and look at them and play with them all the time. You seem to be trying to find your thumb, but have yet to be successful. - You are much more aware of everyone in the room now and seem to recognize mama and daddy...and of course your brother who loves to mimic the way we talk to you. You do your best to talk right back with your mouth and hilarious facial expressions. You love when I 'buzz' my lips at you. - You are 'decent' at taking a bottle. It usually is a much long process than necessary because you take time to talk to whoever is feeding you and play with the bottle nipple. Your gag reflex is really sensitive so that makes it difficult, but things are improving in this area. - You eat every 3-4 hours and you are FAST. You nurse in about 15min. I am very glad for this in the middle of the night. - I have noticed that you really like watching TV. When I change your diaper in the living room or lay you on the floor you always turn your head and look up at the TV until I pick you up. We aren't sure this is a good thing, but still something new from the past few weeks.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Not to mention that RaRa is his favorite person. :-) He's growing up so fast! Unbelievable. Beautiful little boy.