Monday, August 6, 2012

Trail Ride 2012

Well we are back of the annual 9 day trail ride. We had a blast. It was Corban's first trail ride and he did excellent. Aaron did awesome as well. He went on every ride and never complained once while we were out on the trail to be done. We took 6 and 7 hour average rides I was impressed. Since Jerry just had his hip replacement surgery done he stayed at camp almost the entire time. Wednesday I took him to his doctor's appointment and he was cleared to ride some. So he was able to ride a little but very short rides and he was pretty exhausted. Since Corban was so little he wasn't able to ride and so either mom or I stayed at camp also. Mom was so awesome to help so much and made the whole thing so much easier. I know she loved the time she got to spend with the boys also. Good news is that we had no major problems this year...we are so thankful! We got home yesterday and are already looking forward to a busy week. Aaron starts school tomorrow, prayer group starts back up this week, and I start back to work this Saturday. Enjoy some pictures!


Rachel said...

Very sweet pictures! I was hoping you got some pictures of Corban sitting on a horse too. :-) I'm sad I missed it, but I'm so happy the boys did well and everyone had fun!

Joel and Andrea said...

Looks like a good time. Aaron's shaved head makes him look even more like an Adams. -)