Monday, September 17, 2012

Corban 4 months

Today Corb is 4 months. Yay for 4 months:) I LOVE this age. I am really enjoying watching you start exploring your environment.

-You are grabbing at everything. Your favorite toy is your cow that crackles and rattles when you grab it or chew on it.
-You are pretty good at sitting in your bumbo now and prefer it over your play mat.
-Your daddy an get you to laugh like no one else...I love you watch you light up when he talks to you. You are also starting to do this more and more with Aaron.
-Sleep is still about the same as last month. Actually sleeping at night is slightly worse. You aren't sleeping as soundly...I think I'm gonna have to start being a little pushy with sleep soon. Naps are better, you aren't crying as much to go to sleep but still sleeping just an hour each time. I keep waiting for you to sleep longer...and waiting, and waiting, and waiting. No real schedule yet:(
-You definitely recognize your mama. The past few weeks I have seen a preference for me. You are a pretty big flirt with other people though. The way you wrinkle your nose, and those eyes just melt people the second you start 'talking.'
-We had a little bit of the 'problem' lately with you taking a bottle. You took one pretty well, but seemed to be getting worse and worse over the past few weeks. Then this past week you decided you were no longer going to take a bottle. It was on a day where Ms. Corynn was watching you and mama was at work. Being the good friend Ms. Corynn is, she brought you to the hospital to nurse and then Daddy had to bring you back when he picked you up to nurse again...STINKER! I have since tried a new kind of bottle and you took it...for now.
-I decided also to take a leave of absence from work for a few months until you get older. Mama was getting pretty stressed out with things and decided it was best.
-You nurse every 4 hours for the most part. Your schedule is usually 7 or 8am, then sometime around lunch, 3 or 4pm, and then bedtime. We haven't started any solids yet, but that is coming soon:) We go to the doctor this month so I don't have a weight yet...but daddy says you weigh a 'ton.' You are getting pretty chunky:)
-You are in size 3-6 month clothes.
-You are very good baby in general. You are very adaptable and just kind of 'go with the flow.' I love this, since I seem to be more 'on the go' with you than I was with your brother.

I have told your daddy how much fun you are right now and I know it just keeps getting better from here. We are looking forward to your first camping trip and Halloween next month. We love you little man!

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