Sunday, February 1, 2009

Worshiping in Arequipa

Today we worshiped with Team Arequipa. Megan made lunch for everyone (Tacos!) and we had the Lord's Supper together during that time with our meal. Of course this way of participation in the Lord's supper is not what we normally do on Sunday's at home. I have to say that it made a very deep impact on me because I was a lot more aware of my relationship with the people who were at the table surrounding me and the importance of my relationship with them as a family of God. It made a huge impression on me. I doubt there will ever be another time when I am participating in the Lord's supper again that I do not remember this special time sitting around the table with my family in Peru. I made a view video of our worship time together and put in on here for your viewing pleasure. While there are only 4 people here on a regular basis worshiping right now, I can feel the excitement in each of them for the future to have God's church in Arequipa grow beyond all imagination.

After worship the girls (Megan, Larissa and I) went to see "Bride Wars" at the movie theater and had a bite to eat afterward. It was really great spending time with Megan and Larissa. I am reminded why I felt so close to them in Tullahoma. When we got home the boys were watching the Superbowl in Spanish. The only thing Mark and I understood were when they said the players names.

Jerry David is kicking like crazy now. I feel him/her almost all the time. Our next ultrasound is scheduled for the week after we get back so HOPEFULLY the baby will show us if we should be saying he or she. I talked with mom and dad to see how things were going after their ice storm. The weather is much warmer now, but no on in Melber has electricity yet and it doesn't look like they will for a while.

Also, to those who are wondering, Mark is NOT wasting away! He is having no trouble eating here. Lots of yummy stuff to eat and try. And we have NOT had any guinea pig.....YET!



The Brewers said...

How cool it is that you and Mark are able to go down to visit. I'm sure everyone involved is loving it! I hope you have a great time and now that I know you have a blog also, we can follow the big events going on in your life also!

Deana and I have to take the Lord's Supper here at the house before we go to church each Sunday because the church we attend doesn't participate every Sunday. It does take on a different meaning now - at least for me it does.

Enjoy your trip!!

Rachel said...

I loved the video! I'm glad you guys are having a great time! I hate that I can't feel Jerry David moving! You went to see a movie? Seriously? It's so hard for me to connect with that because for some reason I just keep trying to view Peru through the lense of Africa. I can't wait to hear all about it.