Thursday, February 25, 2010


Tonite was Aaron's first time to eat spaghetti. He wasn't able to pick it up very well by himself, so I fed him. But he LOVED it. I am slowly trying to stop buying/feeding so much baby food and just having him eat what we eat most of the time. Everytime I would put a bite in his mouth he would sign 'more,' and leaning forward to make sure I was getting another bite ready. He ate an entire bowl full of spaghetti. We enjoyed our dinner!

These next two pictures are random...but too cute for me to pass up when I was looking through my more recent pictures. Just thought I would share....

So ticklish under his chin

He still has to grow into those ears...I can't help but see Dado


Megan said...

Isn't it great when they an eat off the table. And just think what it will be like when he doesn't have to nurse and can feel himself!

I love that big grin on his face in his ticklish picture. :) Too cute.

Rachel said...

I'm so proud that he is eating real food!!! His smile is absolutely beautiful! He has good genes!

Lori said...

how wonderful diane! you're such a sweet mommy. we can't wait to get together in a few weeks. love you.

gloria said...

I love those big ears and hope he never "grows into them." That's why they're so cute! I can't believe how big the cousins are getting. We need to get together soon before they go off to college.

Jenny said...

Loves spaghetti just like Daddy!