Monday, March 22, 2010

Aaron just LOVES...

when Aunt Rachel comes to visit.

Playing the piano with Aunt Rachel

So does his mommy. She is such a big's like having another 'me' around. Next weekend she is coming again. AND Matt, Lori and cousin Eli are coming this weekend too! We are so excited to see everyone and get some cousin pictures (except we will miss Elayna, which is very sad). Friday and Saturday were AWESOME days. It was perfect weather. We had friends over Saturday for breakfast and then spent some time riding horses with them (more to come later on that). Sunday afternoon, Rachel helped me clean out Aaron's closet and then rearrange his bedroom. I like it SO much better in there now. Also, Friday night he slept for over 12 hours straight before waking up...made for a VERY happy mamma on Saturday morning. However, Saturday night he did the EXACT opposite and woke up every 3 hours. Today it's back to normal life of cleaning, playing and grocery shopping. Exciting weekends to come though. Aaron's first Easter is just around the corner!


Joel and Andrea said...

Sounds like you guys had an awesome time!! I look forward to actually seeing everyone next weekend. :-)

Megan said...

Aunts are the best, especially when they are so helpful. I know next weekend will be a blast. Won't you be busy with minister selection committee stuff, though? I guess you will have some great baby-sitters around to help out.

Rachel said...

Loved playing with a boy ALL WEEKEND! I miss him already. (on the down side, thanks for taking and using an amazing picture of me)