Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

Today Aaron mastered walking around the house in the walker. He is just getting more and more mobile these days. Mark and I just laugh as we watch him from behind waddle down the cute!


Megan said...

Oh I love this. How fun. Can you imagine him running into your room? Coming soon by the way he is moving that thing around. I hope he got a nap. And I hope the nighttime will be different than the afternoon. Poor little gums!

Jenny said...

I can't take it! So so cute. He is ready to roll without that walker. Look out!

Rachel said...

Oh my goodness! He is hilarous! Man he is all of a sudden walking around like crazy! Love a boy :)

Lori said...

thats awesome diane! and it almost looks like he's going around that toy in the floor! SMART!

Joel and Andrea said...

Soon he'll be running after Aiden. I can't wait for them to run in circles, since both our houses are conducive to that. :-) Oh the fun times!!